[Air-L] Funded spaces left at the Data, Society and the Self postgrad workshop, 26-27 May @Manchester

Adi Kuntsman adi_kuntsman at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 27 01:34:58 PDT 2016

We have only three funded spaces left for the eventbelow. To apply, please send your details to t.brock at mmu.ac.ukby 4th May. A two-day postgraduate workshop that explores, definesand practices digital sociological research26-27 May 2016, The Shed, Manchester MetropolitanUniversity Day 1: Keynote by Prof. Patricia Clough, CUNY Day 2: Data analysis training, workshops on digitaltheories, practice and methodologies For full programme and further details see https://sites.google.com/site/digitalsociologyworkshop/home
Dr. Adi KuntsmanDepartment of Languages,Information and CommunicationsManchester Metropolitan UniversityAll Saints Campus, Geoffrey Manton437 Manchester M15 6LLTel: ++44-(0)-161-2476165 https://sites.google.com/site/adikuntsman/

Term time office hours: Mon 1-2pm, Fri 11.30-12.30am. Other times available byappointment a.kuntsman[@]mmu.ac.uk New books: DigitalMilitarism: Israel's Occupation in the SocialMedia Age    (with Rebecca L.Stein, Stanford U Press)Queer Necropolitics(with Jin Haritaworn and Silvia Possoco, Routledge),     nowavailable in paperback

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