[Air-L] Call for Participants: 2016 ACS Symposium for Integrating Wikipedia in Writing-Intensive Courses

Alexandria L. alexandrialockett at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 16:22:26 PDT 2016

Dear Colleagues:

You are cordially invited to submit an application
to “Integrating
Wikipedia in Writing-Intensive Courses at ACS Colleges.”  This three-day
symposium, which has been generously funded by the Associated Colleges of
the South, takes place from June 27-29 in Atlanta, GA on the campus of
Spelman College.  It promises to be a dynamic professional development
experience that will highlight innovative methods for teaching and learning
digital writing, research, and advocacy with Wikipedia.

We welcome applications from ACS instructors <http://colleges.org/colleges/>
across all disciplines.

Please feel free to circulate this information widely throughout your

Additional information about the event, as well as the application link
available via:  https://writingwithwikipedia.tumblr.com/

*The application deadline (has been extended to):  May 5.*

Thank you for your time and consideration.



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