[Air-L] EXTENDED DEADLINE: ACM Group'16 Posters & Demos

Hanna Maurin Söderholm hanna.maurin at hb.se
Wed Aug 3 03:40:21 PDT 2016

***Apologies for cross-posting***

         ACM Conference on Supporting Groupwork (Group 2016)
                            Call for Posters and Demos

        November 13-16, 2016, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA

             EXTENDED submission deadline: August 08, 2016



For over 25 years, the Group conferences have showcased the work of
researchers and practitioners on the design, development, management,
deployment, and analysis of computer-based collaborative systems, as
well as explorations of the ethical, social, and political dimensions of
such systems. A strong emphasis of GROUP conferences is to foster a
discourse on collaborative technology that bridges the fields of
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Information Systems (IS), and
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) among others. Relevant issues include
the design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of the impact of
these systems as well as examinations of relevant research

Posters and demos are an opportunity to present late-breaking and
preliminary results that may not suitable for a Paper or a Note
submission, innovative ideas not yet validated through user studies,
student research, and other research best presented in an open and
interactive format. Demos are expected to present design and
implementations of new CSCW systems and concepts. The peer-reviewed
demonstrations allow conference participants to view novel and
noteworthy CSCW systems in action, try them out, and discuss the systems
with those who created them.

Poster and demo submissions should include an extended abstract that is
no longer than 4 pages, including all figures and references, in the ACM
Standard Format (available at:
http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). In
addition, submissions may include a separate Tabloid sized (11 x 17
inches) draft of the poster for review purposes. Please note that the
poster draft is optional and not required for review purposes. The
submission is NOT anonymous and both the extended abstract and the
poster draft should include the author(s)’ names. 

Posters and demos will be displayed during a special session at the
conference. Poster and demo authors are expected to be available to
discuss their work. In addition, the audience will vote on the top three
posters and/or demos. Accepted poster and demo submissions will be
published in the ACM Digital Library.

Please send submissions directly to the poster and demo co-chairs at:
posters at group2016.org.

August 08, 2016

Adriana Vivacqua, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Alexander Boden, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
Nassim JafariNaimi, Georgia Tech, USA

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Hanna Maurin Söderholm, Ph. D.
Swedish School of Library and Information Science 
University of Borås
SE-501 90 Borås
Tel. +46 33 435 59 89

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