[Air-L] Volunteer Science for Research Participation Credit

Jason Radford jsradford at uchicago.edu
Wed Aug 3 11:32:34 PDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

We invite your students to participate as research subjects on Volunteer
Science <https://volunteerscience.com/>, an online research lab run out of
Northeastern University. We host a number of internet-based experiments on
human behavior including social dilemmas, group problem-solving tasks,
cognitive biases, and personality. These studies are part of on-going
academic research and have been reviewed and approved
<https://volunteerscience.com/our_science/> by researchers’ respective IRBs.

Students and instructors can verify student participation in experiments
with automated reports that students generate themselves. See
http://volunteerscience.com/how_to_certificate/ for information about how
students can generate a certificate of participation and how you can verify
its authenticity.

Last year, we worked with Professor Anand Sokhey’s Introduction to American
Politics course of over 400 students at the University of Colorado,
Boulder. In three weeks, 300 students participated in 1,300 experimental

Professor Sokhey said, "In the fall of 2015, I made *Volunteer Science *a
part of my large introduction to American politics course (400+ students).
The experience was great (and the reaction from my students and TAs
uniformly positive). I was looking for an extra credit opportunity that
would be both engaging and easy to administer, but that would also expose
students to research in the social and behavioral sciences. *Volunteer
Science *checks all these boxes.  The site is easy for students to navigate
and makes tracking participation a breeze (students can print certificates
logging time spent playing).  Moreover, students generally found the
experience both entertaining and informative -- a number asked if they
could just keep playing; several commented on the connections between the
games they played and course themes such as collective action.  I plan to
mak*e Volunteer Science *a part of this and other courses for years to

You are free to use the site on your own for your classes. If you would
like to coordinate specific experiments, please contact Lab Manager Jason
Radford at: j.radford at neu.edu.

The Volunteer Science Team at Northeastern University

Jason Radford
Doctoral Candidate, Sociology, University of Chicago
Visiting Researcher, Lazer Lab, Northeastern University
*Connect*: LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/jsradford>, Twitter
<http://www.twitter.com/jsradford>, University of Chicago
*Play Games for Science at Volunteer Science

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