[Air-L] TODAY: Internet Governance Forum Support Association General Assembly in Guadalajara

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Mon Dec 5 07:36:35 PST 2016

The IGFSA is, while still in its early days, a vital vector of independence
for the Internet and its governance. It deserves the support of every
single Internet user! Most are blissfully unaware. But not us, however!
That's why we'll be attending the GA at 2pm NYC time today, be it via
webcast, or webex, or just reading the streamed text. And if we are not
already members, we'll be *joining!* <http://www.igfsa.org/become-a-member>

joly posted: "The Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA) was
launched on 1st September 2014 at the IGF Meeting in Istanbul. The IGFSA
has the purpose to provide stable and sustainable support for the Internet
Governance Forum (IGF) Secretariat and to fun"

[image: IGF SA] <http://www.igfsa.org/>The *Internet Governance Forum
Support Association* <http://igfsa.org> (IGFSA) was launched
<http://isoc-ny.org/p2/6954> on 1st September 2014 at the IGF Meeting in
Istanbul. The IGFSA has the purpose to provide stable and sustainable
support for the *Internet Governance Forum* <http://www.intgovforum.org/>
(IGF) Secretariat and to fund related activities.  Today, *Monday 5
December 2016*, the third *IGFSA General Assembly <http://sched.co/8hsE>*
will be held at *IGF2016 <https://igf2016.intgovforum.org/>* in
Guadalajara, Mexico. Included in the agenda are a financial review, the
election of two new members of the steering committee, and some
modifications to make the Articles of Association less onerous. Remote
participation will be available via webex+ webcast. There will be live text
transcription. Guadalajara is on CST so this will be at 2pm NYC time.

*What: IGFSA General Assembly <http://sched.co/8hsE>*
* Where: Internet Governance Forum, Guadalajara, Mexico*
* When: Monday 5 December 2016 13:00-15:00 CST | 19:00-21:00 UTC*
* Webex: http://bit.ly/igf2016rm7 <http://bit.ly/igf2016rm7>*
* Webcast: http://bit.ly/igf2016st7 <http://bit.ly/igf2016st7>*
* Live transcript: http://bit.ly/igf2016tx7 <http://bit.ly/igf2016tx7>*
* Twitter: @igfsa http://bit.ly/igfsa2016 <http://bit.ly/igfsa2016>*

Comment <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/8851#respond>    See all comments



Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast

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