[Air-L] Open Position: Postdoc in Digital Methods at TU Berlin

Isabell Stamm mail at isabellstamm.de
Thu Dec 15 00:18:43 PST 2016

#### Please excuse crossposting ####



Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:


Research assistant - PostDoc - salary grade E 13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen,
4,5 Years (100%) part-time employment may be possible


The Institute of Sociology is starting a Research Group on „Entrepreneurial
Group Dynamics“, that is funded in the Freigeist-Programme by
VolkswagenFoundation (www.entrepreneurialgroups.org
<http://www.entrepreneurialgroups.org> ). 

A subproject will build a multi-level dataset through crowdsourcing that
allows to track changes in the constellation of entrepreneurial groups in
the long-run. We are looking for a motivated and engaged individual leading
this subproject.

Faculty VI - Institute of Sociology/ Organizational Sociology Reference
number: VI-580/16 (starting at 01/03/17 / until 31/08/2021 / closing date
for applications 02/01/17)


Working field:

We are looking for post holders that combine passion and skills for the
advancement of methods and methodology in organizational and economic
sociology and do research on exploring uses of crowdsourcing in academia.
The applicant shall develop a quantitative dataset capturing the dynamics of
entrepreneurial groups using crowdsourcing. This includes the selection and
testing of adequate data sources that shall be used via documentary analysis
(such as newspaper articles, industry reports, business registries,
websites); the development of a handbook documenting the steps of data
collection process for the crowdsourcing process; coordinating the design of
a crowdsourcing platform through external partners; and supervising the data
collection process through crowdsourcing; validating the emerging dataset
and independently analyzing the data using advanced statistical methods. The
post holder will communicate the process and findings of this project
through academic presentations and publications as well as public relations.
We offer a personal career development plan facilitating career goals within
and beyond academia. The post holder will be granted the opportunity for
self-reliant academic publishing, possibly a „Habilitation”.



Successful candidates must have a completed university degree (Master,
Diplom or equivalent) and a PhD (Dr.) in social sciences or a related
discipline with the focus on methods of social research. You can prove very
good skills in collecting, preparing and analyzing standardized data,
especially process-oriented data (e.g. public administrative data, business
data) and digital methods. You are experienced in the construction and
handling of multi-level datasets and panel data and have very good knowledge
of multivariate statistics (such as multilevel analysis, sequential
analysis) and network analysis. You are academically self-reliant, skilled
in the use of statistical analysis software (such as STATA, R, SPSS),
ideally skilled in CMS. Language skills in German and English are required.
We welcome team players looking for collegial exchange.


Please send your application with the reference number and the usual
documents (in particular letter of motivation, CV including a list of
publications, research profile, credentials) preferably by e-mail in a
single pdf-file to silke.kirchhof at tu-berlin.de
<mailto:silke.kirchhof at tu-berlin.de>  or in writing to Technische
Universität Berlin - Der Präsident - Fakultät VI, Institut für Soziologie,
Dr. Stamm, Sekr. FH 9-1, Frauenhofer Str. 33-36, 10578 Berlin.

To ensure equal opportunities between women and men, applications by women
with the required qualifications are explicitly desired. Qualified
individuals with disabilities will be favored.


See also:





Dr. Isabell Stamm

Technische Universität Berlin

Institut für Soziologie

Leiterin der Freigeist-Forschergruppe „Entrepreneurial Group Dynamics“


Frauenhofer Str. 33-36 

10587 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 314 75679







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