[Air-L] Doctoral Research Fellowship in Popular Music

Ragnhild Brøvig-Hanssen ragnhild.brovig-hanssen at imv.uio.no
Thu Dec 22 00:26:27 PST 2016

Doctoral Research Fellowship in Popular Music
Department of Musicology, University of Oslo
Annual Salary: NOK 432 700 - 489 300, depending on level of expertise
Closing Date: 1 February 2017
Reference:  2016/13844
A PhD Research Fellowship in popular music studies is available at the Department of Musicology, University of Oslo. It is expected that the successful candidate will work on an independent project dealing with a topic in the area of popular music research. Projects on remix culture, Internet and new media are encouraged but projects in other areas such as production, sound studies and identity will also be considered. The candidate will work under the guidance of Associate Professor Ragnhild Brøvig-Hanssen<http://www.hf.uio.no/imv/english/people/aca/ragnhiba/index.html>.
The person appointed will be affiliated with the Faculty's organized research training. The academic work is to result in a doctoral thesis that will be defended at the Faculty with a view to obtaining the degree of PhD. The successful candidate is expected to join the existing research milieu or network and contribute to its development. The appointment is for a duration of three years. All PhD Candidates who submit their doctoral dissertation for assessment with a written recommendation from their supervisor within 3 years or 3 ½ years after the start of their PhD position, will be offered, respectively, a 12 or 6 month Completion Grant<http://www.uio.no/for-ansatte/arbeidsstotte/fa/utdanning/hf/stipendiater/gjennomfoeringsstipend/completiongrant.html>.
Further details: http://uio.easycruit.com/vacancy/1736219/62048?iso=no

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