[Air-L] ACM UMAP 2016 Call for Papers

Christoph Trattner trattner.christoph at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 03:28:55 PST 2016

ACM UMAP 2016 Call for Papers
The 24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
13-17 July 2016
(collocated with Hypertext 2016)

UMAP is the premier international conference for researchers and
working on systems that adapt to individual users, to groups of users, and
collect, represent, and model user information.  UMAP is the successor to
biennial User Modeling (UM) and Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-based
Systems (AH) conferences that were merged in 2009. It is sponsored by
ACM SIG CHI and SIG WEB, and organized under the auspices of User Modeling

ACM UMAP 2016 covers a wide variety of research areas where adaptation may
applied. This include (but is in no way limited to) a number of domains in
researchers are engendering significant innovations based on advances in
modeling and adaptation: recommender systems; adaptive educational systems;
intelligent user interfaces; eCommerce; advertising; digital humanities;
networks; personalized health; entertainment, and many more.

Key Areas:
UMAP 2016 will explore, study and shape a broad range of dimensions faced
modern user adaptive systems, covering the following Key Areas chaired by
leading researchers.

User Modelling for Recommender Systems
(Area Chairs: Alexander Felfernig & Pasquale Lops)
- Semantic recommenders
- Social recommenders
- User Experience, Explanations, Trust, Control
- Context-aware recommender systems
- Conversational recommender systems
- Implicit and explicit user feedback
- Preference elicitation
- Machine learning for recommender systems
- Case studies of real-world implementations

Adaptive & Personalized Educational Systems
(Area Chairs: Antonija Mitrovic & Kalina Yacef)
- Learner modeling
- Intelligent tutoring systems
- Adaptive and personalized learning support
- Collaborative and group learning
- Emerging environments such as MOOCs and educational games
- Educational data mining and learning analytic modeling techniques
- Learning at scale
Modeling affective, motivational, and metacognitive aspects of learning
Case studies of real-world implementations

Personalization in the Social Web & Crowdsourcing Era
(Area Chairs: Alessandro Bozzon & Harith Alani)
- Data-driven approaches and big data techniques
- Deep learning for personalization with social and crowd-generated data
- Social network analysis
- Modeling individuals, groups, and communities
- Engagement & sustainability for personalization
- User awareness and control
- Privacy, perceived security, and trust
- Adaptations based on personality, society, and culture
- Mining of social media and crowd-generated data
- Human computation and machine intelligence for personalization
- Harnessing wisdom of the crowd for personalization
- Case studies of real-world implementations

Adaptive, Intelligent, & Multimodal User Interfaces
(Area Chairs: Julien Epps & Hatice Gunes)
- Multimodal user models
- Natural interaction (speech, language, gestures)
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Adaptive information visualization
- Adaptive hypermedia systems
- Adaptive collaboration support
- User modeling for special needs
- Case studies of real-world implementations

Architectures, techniques & methodologies for UMAP
(Area Chairs: Stephan Weibelzahl & Mihaela Cocea)
- Models of perception, action, cognition, and affect
- Neurobiological and physiological models
- User experience
- Ongoing continuous modeling
- Lifewide modeling
- Data-driven approaches
- Non-standard database representations (networks, graphs)
- Sensor networks
- Handheld and mobile devices
- Standards and specifications
- Interoperability, semantics
- Evaluation methodologies and metrics
- Case studies of real-world implementations

Submission Categories and Review Process

UMAP 2016 will include high quality peer-reviewed papers related to the
key areas.  We welcome original, and principled research papers addressing
the theory and practice of UMAP and papers showcasing innovative use of
UMAP and
exploring the benefits and challenges of applying UMAP technology in
applications and contexts. Authors will be asked to indicate one or more
areas (from the five listed below) at the time of submission. Submissions
should be made into one of two categories - long and short papers as

Long papers (8 pages + references) should present original reports of
substantive new research techniques, findings, and applications of UMAP.
They should place the work within the field and clearly indicate innovative
aspects. Research procedures and technical methods should be presented in
sufficient detail to ensure scrutiny and reproducibility. Results should be
clearly communicated and implications of the contributions/findings for
UMAP and beyond should be explicitly discussed.

Short papers (4 pages + references) should present original and highly
promising research or applications. Merit will be assessed in terms of
originality and importance rather than maturity, extensive technical
validation, and user studies, although some form of validation is desirable.

Maintaining the high quality and impact of the UMAP series, each paper will
be single-blind reviewed by three program committee members and
to present the reviewers' consensual view; the review process will be
coordinated by the program chairs in collaboration with the corresponding

Separation of long and short papers will be strictly enforced so papers
not compete across categories but within each category. Papers that receive
high scores and are considered promising by reviewers, but didn't make the
acceptance cut, will be invited to be resubmitted as posters and/or demos.

Submission Details and Publication:

Page limits: Long papers - 8 pages + references;
Short pages: 4 pages + references.

Note that reference do not count towards page limits. Papers that exceed
the page limits or formatting guidelines will be returned without review.

Submissions should be single-blinded, i.e. the authors can have their names
the paper.

Papers must be formatted using the ACM SIG proceedings template and
via EasyChair.

Submission templates: http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template

Easychair submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=umap2016

Accepted papers will be published by ACM and will be available via the
ACM Digital Library.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference
by May 1, 2016 for the paper to be included in the proceedings.
Authors are expected to attend the conference and present the paper there.

Important Dates:

23 February 2016: Abstracts for Full and Short Papers (mandatory)
1 March 2016:  Full and Short Papers due
25 March 2016:  Doctoral Consortium (DC) papers

15 April 2016:  Notification for Full, Short and DC papers
1 May 2016:  Camera-ready for Full, Short and DC papers
   (main proceedings)
             Author Registration Deadline for main proceedings

7 May 2016:  Workshop Papers, Posters & Demos, Late-Breaking Results (LBR)
1 June 2016:  Notification of Workshop Papers, Posters & Demos, LBR papers
7 June 2016:  Camera-ready for Workshop papers & Demos, LBR papers
           (extended proceedings)
             Early Registration Deadline
   (author registration for extended proceedings)

12 July 2016:  Regular Registration Deadline
13-17 July 2016:  UMAP 2016 Conference
 On-site Registration

The submissions times are 11:59 pm Hawaii time.


General Chairs: Julita Vassileva and James Blustein
Program Chairs: Lora Aroyo and Sidney DíMello
Workshop Chairs: Federica Cena and Jie Zhang
Doctoral Consortium Chairs: Vania Dimitrova and Maria Bielikova
Posters and Demos Chairs: Darina Dicheva and Michel Desmarais
Publicity Chairs: Christoph Trattner and Denis Parra

Conference Website

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Lada Adamic (Facebook) and Sandra Carberry
(University of Delaware).

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Christoph Trattner BSc
Research Center for Big Data Analytics & Data Driven Business
Graz University of Technology, Austria
E-mail: ctrattner at know-center.at
Tel: +43 650 2402801
Homepage: http://christophtrattner.info
New book: Mining, Modeling, and Recommending 'Things' in Social Media*
by M. Atzmueller, A. Chin, C. Scholz, C. Trattner (eds.)

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