[Air-L] Seeking Literature Help

Alette Schoon A.Schoon at ru.ac.za
Sat Feb 27 03:49:51 PST 2016

Hi Bahtiyar
Katy Pearce has done extensive work in Armenia which may be useful. I  
recommend this article where she discusses how people circulate  
satirical political pictures or 'memes' via MMS and she speculates  
that this may not only be for technical reasons, but also political,  
as such MMSes are much more difficult to attribute to an originator  
than a online profile.
Pearce, K. (2011) Convergence Through Mobile Peer-to-Peer File Sharing  
in the Republic of Armenia, International Journal of Communication: 5  
Downloaded from http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/800

The study was conducted in 2008, so it may be slightly dated, but  
still useful I am sure. It may also be useful to find more recent  
articles by prof Pearce, who has spent several years doing research on  
digital media in Armenia.

Alette Schoon
PhD candidate
'Backyard digital media production of South African black township hip  
hop artists'
South Africa

Quoting Bahtiyar Kurambaev <bahtiyar.kurambaev at gmail.com>:

> Hello All,
> I was wondering if fellows here would be able to suggest me some
> current/recent literature about self-censorship in the context of social
> media. I am designing a study to examine self-censorship among social media
> users in the context of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
> Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan).
> As noted by Dr. Eric Freedman (Michigan State University) that scholars
> barely scratched the surface of studying the former Soviet Union Central
> Asian countries.
> I have located some publications only. Would greatly appreciate for any
> help!
> Thanks
> Bahtiyar Kurambaev
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