[Air-L] Post-Doc and PhD Openings, Economics and Behavioral Economics of Privacy, Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University

Alessandro Acquisti acquisti at andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Jan 31 16:14:01 PST 2016

Hello - I am hiring a Post-Doctoral Fellow and PhD Students at CMU. Please feel free to share and forward. Thank you,
-alessandro acquisti


The Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University has one opening for a Post-Doctoral fellow and one or more openings for PhD students in projects focused on the economics or/and the behavioral economics of privacy.

Prospective candidates are expected to have done graduate work in (Post-Doctoral position), or be interested in studying (PhD positions), one or more of the following areas:

* Economics

* Behavioral Economics or Behavioral Decision Research

* Experimental Economics or Experimental Psychology

* Privacy

* Human Computer Interaction

Successful candidates will work in areas related to the economics or/and the behavioral economics of privacy, and collaborate with Professor Alessandro Acquisti. They may also interact with other members of CMU CBDR (Center for Behavioral and Decision Research) lab and of CMU PeeX (Privacy Economics Experiments) Lab, as well as with other CMU students and professors, in an interdisciplinary environment that includes social scientists and technologists. Successful candidates will be expected to conduct original research and publish their results in top-ranked journals and conferences.

Post-Doctoral opening: There is no deadline for applying to the Post-Doc opening, but applications will be considered on a rolling basis starting February 1, 2016, with an expected (but negotiable) starting date of Summer 2016 or Fall 2016. The Post-Doctoral position comes with very competitive salary and benefits. The initial appointment is for one year, with an option of renewal for another one or two years. Interested candidates should forward their resumes, along with the names of three references, to Alessandro Acquisti by email at acquisti at andrew.cmu.edu.

PhD openings: Interested candidates are encouraged to apply via http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/school-of-information-systems-and-management/doctoral-program/phd-ism/admissions/index.aspx as soon as possible, and no later than February 29, 2016. They are also encouraged to forward their resumes to Alessandro Acquisti by email at acquisti at andrew.cmu.edu. Accepted PhD applicants will receive a grant covering stipend and tuition for at least the first two years of their PhD program.

Related links:

"The Economics of Privacy," Acquisti, Taylor, and Wagman. Journal of Economic Literature, forthcoming, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2580411 

"Privacy and Human Behavior in the Age of Information," Acquisti, Brandimarte, and Loewenstein. Science, 2015, http://science.sciencemag.org/content/347/6221/509 

Acquisti's site: http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/~acquisti/ 

Copy of this document:  http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/~acquisti/economics-privacy-postdoc-cmu-2016.htm 


Alessandro Acquisti
Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

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