[Air-L] New edited volume: "Politics, Civil Society and Participation: Media and Communications in a Transforming Environment"

Leif Kramp kramp at uni-bremen.de
Tue Jul 26 03:12:26 PDT 2016

**apologies for cross-posting**

The peer-reviewed edited volume is entitled "Politics, Civil Society and 
Participation: Media and Communications in a Transforming Environmen“
(Bremen: edition lumière). It is edited by Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier, Andreas Hepp, 
Richard Kilborn, Risto Kunelius, Hannu Nieminen, Tobias Olsson, 
Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Ilija Tomanić Trivundža and Simone Tosoni. 
The book has 420 pages and costs 19,80 euro plus shipping.

A free version is available on www.researchcommunication.eu.

The main focus of “Politics, Civil Society and Participation” is 
dedicated to the fundamental question: How do media and communications 
practices within European cultures change with their environment? This 
volume consists of the intellectual work of the 2015 European Media and 
Communication Doctoral Summer School, organized in cooperation with the 
European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and a 
consortium of 21 European partner universities at the ZeMKI, the Centre 
for Media, Communication and Information Research of the University of 
Bremen, Germany. The chapters cover relevant research topics, structured 
into four sections: “Policies and politics of communication”, “Civil 
participation in and through the media”, “Media representations and 
usages” and “On methods”.

Contributors are (in alphabetical order): Bertrand Cabedoche, Nick 
Couldry, Nico Carpentier, Şahika Erkonan, Rasmus Greiner, Maria 
Gutierrez, Andreas Hepp, Jockum Hildén, Ronald Hitzler, Sigrid 
Kannengießer, Herminder Kaur, Joanna Kędra, Leif Kramp, Risto Kunelius, 
Anne Laajalahti, Hannu Nieminen, Tobias Olsson, Winfried Pauleit, Irena 
Reifova, Julia Roll, Christina Sanko, Kim Christian Schrøder, Melodine 
Sommier, Fredrik Stiernstedt, Ilija Tomanić Trivundža, Simone Tosoni, 
Panu Uotila, Erik Vatnøy, Julia Velkova and Dino Viscovi. The book 
additionally contains abstracts of 40 doctoral projects that were 
discussed at the 2015 European Media Communication Doctoral Summer School.

For more information, see http://www.editionlumiere.de/kramp-et-al-2016.html <http://www.editionlumiere.de/kramp-et-al-2016.html>
Orders of printed copies are welcomed by the publisher via e-mail: 
edition.lumiere at arcormail.de <mailto:edition.lumiere at arcormail.de>.

Below, you'll find the Table of Contents.


Leif Kramp, Nico Carpentier and Andreas Hepp
Introduction: Researching the transforming environment of media and 


SECTION 1: Policies and politics of communication

Nick Couldry
Life with the media manifold: Between freedom and subjection

Hannu Nieminen
Communication and information rights in European media policy

Risto Kunelius
Free speech at an intersection. Notes on the contemporary hybrid public 

Jockum Hildén
The normative shift: Three paradoxes of information privacy

Herminder Kaur
‘It’s like they’re looking inside your body or inside your brain.’ 
Internet surveillance practices in a special school

Nico Carpentier
What is a decision? A post-structuralist exploration of the trinity of 
decidedness, undecidedness and undecidability

SECTION 2: Civil participation in and through the media

Joanna Kędra, Anne Laajalahti, Mélodine Sommier and Panu Uotila
A competent participant in the new media landscape: Promoting an 
interdisciplinary perspective

Eirik Vatnøy
Rejuvenating the public sphere: The rhetorical arenas of social media

Andreas Hepp and Ronald Hitzler
Collectivities in change: The mediatization and individualization of 
community building from a subjective and figurational perspective

Leif Kramp
Conceptualizing metropolitan journalism: New approaches, new 
communicative practices, new perspectives?

Julia Velkova
Negotiating creative autonomy: Experiences of technology in 
computer-based visual media production

Sigrid Kannengießer
Conceptualizing consumption-critical media practices as political 

Christina Sanko
Communication, generation and cultural memory: Insights from fieldwork 
in Vietnam

SECTION 3: Media representations and usages

Julia Roll
Communication in the public space: Attention and media use

Ilija Tomanić Trivundža
On barricades

Şahika Erkonan
Photography and the construction of family and memory

Tobias Olsson and Dino Viscovi
Remaining divides: Access to and use of ICTs among elderly citizens

Maria Gutièrrez
Researching the young radio audience

Irena Reifová
Watching socialist television serials in the 70s and 80s in the former 
Czechoslovakia: a study in the history of meaning-making

Winfried Pauleit and Rasmus Greiner
Sonic icons and histospheres: On the political aesthetics of an audio 
history of film

SECTION 4: On methods

Kim Christian Schrøder
From dogmatism to open-mindedness? Historical reflections on methods 
in audience reception research

Simone Tosoni and Fredrik Stiernstedt
Media ethnography for busy People: Introducing students to the 
ethnographic approach in media-related syllabi

Bertrand Cabedoche
Communicating at international scientific conferences? Keys to be 
selected, understood, and published

The European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2015 and its 


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