[Air-L] Special issue of First Monday: “A Decade of Web 2.0: Reflections, Critical Perspectives, and Beyond”

Michael T Zimmer zimmerm at uwm.edu
Sat Jun 11 07:22:10 PDT 2016

Dear colleagues:

Very happy to announce the publication of “A Decade of Web 2.0: Reflections, Critical Perspectives, and Beyond”, a special issue of First Monday, co-editted by Michael Zimmer and Anna L. Hoffmann.

The issue includes an impressive set of diverse contributions revisiting the topic of critical engagement with Web 2.0:

 “Web 2.0 User-knowledge and the Limits of Individual and Collective Power” by Nicholas Proferes

“Many (to platform) to many: Web 2.0 application infrastructures” by Jack Jamieson

“Constructing and Enforcing “Authentic” Identity Online: Facebook, Real Names, and Non-Normative Identities” by Oliver Haimson and Anna Lauren Hoffmann

“Rethinking Social Change: The Promises of Web 2.0 for the Marginalized” by David Nemer

“The Domestication of Online Activism” by Mathias Klang and Nora Madison

“The Rise of Speculative Devices: Hooking Up with the Bots of Ashley Madison” by Ben Light

“Read Only: The Persistence of Lurking in Web 2.0″ by Scott Kushner

“DIY Videos on YouTube: Identity and Possibility in the Age of Algorithms” by Chris Wolf

“Share Wars: Sharing, Theft, and the Everyday Production of Web 2.0 on DeviantArt” by Dan Perkel

“The Blogosphere and Its Problems: Web 2.0 Undermining Civic” by Alex Halavais

We are particularly indebted to our external reviewers who, through a double-blind review process, shaped this special issue in important ways. Their efforts helped ensure that the discussions presented in the following were both rigorous and relevant to contemporary thinking around online platforms and practices. Congrats to everyone involved!

Michael Zimmer, PhD
Associate Professor and PhD Program Director, School of Information Studies
Director, Center for Information Policy Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
e: zimmerm at uwm.edu<mailto:zimmerm at uwm.edu>
w: www.michaelzimmer.org<http://www.michaelzimmer.org>

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