[Air-L] Call for Participation: Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2016) Doctoral Colloquium

Pamela Wisniewski pam at pamspam.com
Fri Jun 3 06:48:52 PDT 2016

**New Deadline to Apply: June 24th, 2016** 

Doctoral students who have not defended their thesis are invited to participate in the Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2016) Doctoral Colloquium. The 2016 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2016) will address, explore and exchange information related to the state-of-the-art in collaborative enterprises and systems, their modeling and simulation, design and use, and their impact. The DDC is an opportunity for students to present, discuss, and disseminate their ongoing research in a constructively critical and informal atmosphere. The goal is for students to obtain valuable feedback from conference attendees, particularly senior researchers and experts in their fields. Additionally, the colloquium is meant to facilitate the interaction and collaboration with other peer researchers and future collaborators. 

For more information: http://cts2016.cisedu.info/1-call-for-papers/call-for-doctoral-colloquium

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