[Air-L] Work available: BA/Leverhulme project, quantified self at work

Phoebe Moore pvm.doc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 04:58:29 PDT 2016

Dear all

I am looking for someone who can work on a BA/Leverhulme project I have
funding for on the quantified self as related to work and workplaces.

This is a chance for someone who is interested in the research area to do
any of the following things or related: field work involving interviews
with employees who are using wearable technologies and using related
dashboards; collecting and analysing related data; involvement in resulting
publications. There is no salary offered but there is some pay possible.

Please email me directly if this sounds interesting.


Dr Phoebe V Moore
Personal email pvm.doc at gmail.com
Work email p.moore at mdx.ac.uk
Twitter phoebemoore
Profile http://www.mdx.ac.uk/aboutus/staffdirectory/phoebe-moore.aspx
Biolog http://phoebevmoore.wordpress.com/

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