[Air-L] Global Media and China: Submission site now opens!

Xiao Han kilou.xiao.han at gmail.com
Mon May 9 05:39:22 PDT 2016

Global Media and China: Communication University of China (CUC)/SAGE Publishing

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Daya Thussu, University of Westminster, London

The new journal, the Global Media and China, will be published quarterly by SAGE. The website for online submissions is now live: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gmac <https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gmac> 

Global Media China is a peer reviewed, open access, scholarly journal that provides a dedicated, interdisciplinary forum for international research on communication and media with a focus on China. It covers both Chinese communication and media from a global perspective, and global communication and media from a Chinese perspective. 

Submit your research to Global Media and China and benefit from: 
Rigorous peer review of your research
Prompt publishing
Guaranteed targeted, multidisciplinary audience
High visibility for maximum global exposure 

Possible article topic examples include:
Chinese film and television in the global context
China’s Internet civil movements
ICTs and the development of Chinese society
Creative industries of China and the world
Chinese public diplomacy
Chinese nationalism and its representations
Chinese immigrants and diasporic media
Interactions between digital technology and media arts in China and the world

Those with questions about the submission to the Global Media and China, please contact: 

Xiao Han, kilou_123 at me.com <mailto:kilou_123 at me.com> 
Research Assistant, Communication University of China, CUC
Commissioning Editor, Global Media and China (SAGE), gch.sagepub.com <http://gch.sagepub.com/>

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