[Air-L] Nominations for the Holberg Prize (€538,000/$735,000)

Jill Walker Rettberg Jill.Walker.Rettberg at uib.no
Mon May 2 21:26:29 PDT 2016

Nominations are due June 15 for the Holberg Prize, an annual award to a scholar who has made outstanding contributions to research in the arts and humanities, social science, law or theology. 

I would love to see an internet researcher win this significant award. Nominations can be sent in by any scholar who holds a position at a university, anywhere in the world. All you have to do is write a maximum of one page, and attach a CV for the scholar you are nominating. Previous prizes have gone to Julia Kristeva, Jürgen Habermas, Manuel Castells, Bruno Latour, Marina Warner, Steven Greenblatt and others. Not enough women have received the prize, so I’d especially recommend nominating women. There’s also a specification that they would like more nominations of scholars younger than 70, although looking at the list of laureates obviously age isn’t an absolute criteria. 

The objective of the prize is to increase awareness of the value of academic scholarship within the arts, humanities, social sciences, law and theology. The Prize amounts to 4.5 million Norwegian kroner (approximately €538,000 or $735,000). 

Here is the information about how to nominate: http://holbergprisen.no/en/nomination
and here is the full list of previous recipients: http://holbergprisen.no/en/holberg-prize/prize-winners

If you know of an excellent young, Nordic researcher (under 35; time spent on parental age can be “deducted” from the candidate’s real age) please nominate them for the Nils Klim award (32,000 EUR / 35,000 USD)

Nominations are due June 15. 


Jill Walker Rettberg
Professor of Digital Culture
Dept of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies
University of Bergen
Postboks 7800
5020 Bergen

+ 47 55588431

Blog - http://jilltxt.net
Twitter - http://twitter.com/jilltxt
My book "Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves" is out on Palgrave as an open access publication - buy it in print or download it for free! 

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