[Air-L] Digitally Literate Research Project

Ian O'Byrne wiobyrne at gmail.com
Tue May 10 09:25:09 PDT 2016

Good afternoon colleagues,

Together with my colleagues Michelle Hagerman and Heather Woods from the
University of Ottawa, we are surveying and interviewing educators from K-12
to higher ed to see how they integrate new and digital literacies into
instruction. The project is referred to as the Digitally Literate Research
Project <http://digitallyliterate.net/>.

We are conducting this work with the support of the Literacy, eLearning,
Communication, and Culture Committee (LECC) of the ILA
<http://www.literacyworldwide.org/>. We would appreciate your support in
this endeavor.

We recently launched our survey
<http://digitallyliterate.net/announcement/tltsurvey/> to collect
participant data. Click here to go directly to the survey.
<https://cofc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d08stZ0o2NwWLWd> We will follow-up
with interviews of participants using survey data and snowball sampling.

This is an open research project. We are sharing the data collection tools
openly online. We will also include our researcher notes in open blog posts
on the website mentioned above. Finally, we will also share participant
interviews openly online.

We would most appreciate your support in reaching out to educators in
international contexts. We're currently in the process of translating
materials as we piece together funding opportunities. Please let us know if
you can help connect us to educators around the globe. Please also feel
free to share the website <http://digitallyliterate.net/> and Twitter
account <https://twitter.com/digit_lit> to interested parties.

Thanks in advance. Please feel free to send us questions/comments/feedback.
-Ian, Michelle, and Heather


W. Ian O'Byrne, Ph.D.

College of Charleston


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