[Air-L] CFP SIEF: a (fun!) panel in Germany on digital ethnography and related methods (deadline Nov 7)

RGH rgh at rghoward.com
Mon Oct 31 12:28:08 PDT 2016

Hello All:

Coppélie Cocq and I invite submissions to our panel on "Digitally dwelling: the challenges of digital ethnology and folklore and the methods to overcome them.” This panel is sponsored by the new working group for Digital Ethnography and Folklore at the The International Society for Ethnology and Folklore in Göttingen, Germany.

More on SIEF here:

I will paste a bit more on the panel below, but anybody doing work on digital ethnography or related digital methods would be super welcomed. If we have enough people, we can do a full day session at the conference and spend the rest of the time checking out other great stuff.  The SIEF is always a great experience and a great excuse to go here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Göttingen

Email me if you have any questions!
Papers must be proposed via the website:  

General information on the conference:

See abstract below, and see you in Göttingen!


Digitally dwelling: the challenges of digital ethnology and folklore and the methods to overcome them

What does it mean to "dwell" in a digital community? Or inhabit a network location? Do we dwell together as we access different apps on the bus to work? Or do we dwell together in the synthetic spaces inside a virtual reality helmet? Participants in this panel will offer specific cases of challenges they faced dwelling in digital cultures and explore methodical fixes that attempt to address them. 

The pace at which the manifold uses of the internet and of other digital and mobile technologies are constantly evolving means that the nature of the digital worlds we inhabit together are always changing. In this environment of constant change, the researcher is always being presented with new challenges to the perspectives, methods and tools they have used before. The omnipresence and intensification of the digital challenge our perceptions of localities, presence and encounters. As a consequence, methods for online research need to redefine concepts such as the "field" and fieldwork, participant observation, interaction, etc. 

This panel will investigate methods in research on digital culture, digital practices and the impact and the implications of the digital in our lives by asking participants to present specific cases of problems they have faced in their digital research and the fixes they developed to address whether successful or not!

We invite contributions approaching methods and methodologies in digital folklore and ethnology. Topics can include for example, but not only: 
- Collection and fabrication of data 
- Big and small data 
- Ethics 
- Ethnography

Robert Glenn Howard          http://rghoward.com
University of Wisconsin -- Madison
Director, Digital Studies & DesignLab
Professor, Department of Communication Arts
Affiliated Faculty
  Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Culture
  Religious Studies Program
  Robert F. & Jean E. Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies
  School of Journalism and Mass Communication 

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