[Air-L] CFP: Communicating Music Scenes: Networks, Power, Technology

Tamas Tofalvy tamastofalvy at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 04:41:09 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I'm happy to announce the following conference that might be of interest to
many of you:

*Communicating Music Scenes: Networks, Power, Technology

*Budapest, 19-20 May 2017*

The conference aims to address the relation(ship)s and communication
between people, formal and informal institutions, and technologies in the
context of music making. Understanding and exploring music scenes as
networks can help us to uncover the power relations that affect those
scenes, while also leading to a nuanced understanding of the changing
technological and media context in which music is produced,
disseminated, consumed, and talked about.

We invite papers that address the following themes:

   - Music scenes and formal and informal communication infrastructures in
   view of the related technologies and economies
   - Music scenes and genres, technology and networks: Social Network
   Analysis, Actor Network Theory etc.
   - Communication in and about music scenes
   - Power as formal and political, as well as informal and subcultural:
   inclusion and exclusion
   - Musical diplomacy, music scenes and transnational communication
   - Technology, power and remembering/forgetting music scenes
   - (Sub)cultural and other forms of capital in music scenes
   - Music scenes and DIY media, online and offline
   - Music scenes and digital technology: change and/continuity
   - Underground scenes and the formal music industries: power and democracy
   - Music scenes and society: the reproduction and/or subversion of power
   structures through technology and communication infrastructures
   - Local – global dynamics and power: the global music industries and
   local infrastructures
   - Gender, sexuality and music scenes
   - Nation(ality), ethnicity and music scenes
   - Age and music scenes
   - Social class and music scenes

*Keynote Speakers:*

David Hesmondhalgh (University of Leeds, UK)
Paolo Magaudda (University of Padova, Italy)
Anna Szemere (ELTE, Hungary)
Ferenc Hammer (ELTE, Hungary)

The conference will be held at the Institute of Musicology, Research Center
for Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), and is jointly
organized by the Institute of Musicology, Budapest University of Technology
and Economics (BME) and IASPM Hungary.
*Deadline for abstracts (250 words) with short bio (50 words):* 31 January

Conference website: cms2017.wordpress.com

Organizers: Ádám Ignácz (HAS), Emília Barna (BME), Tamás Tófalvy (BME)

Should you have any questions regarding the CFP or the conference, please
feel free to contact me,



Tamas Tofalvy, PhD

assistant prof @ Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Dept. of
Sociology and Comm.)
secretary general @ Association of Hungarian Content Providers (MTE)
M: (0036) 30 488 75 84
Web: [EN] http://bit.ly/1RlMXBQ [HU] http://bit.ly/1LlFEbZ
A: H-1111 Budapest, Egry J. u. 1., BME GTK E ép., 705.

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