[Air-L] Asst. Prof. position at Montclair State University

Caroline Dadas caroline.dadas at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 08:20:19 PDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

My colleagues and I are excited to announce a tenure-track assistant
professor position in Professional and Technical Writing at Montclair State
University (1/2 open positions this year).

At Montclair State—a doctoral research university of 20,000 undergraduate
and graduate students—we are fortunate to have a minor in Professional and
Public Writing; a First Year Writing program that received the CCCC Writing
Program Certificate of Excellence in 2012; a Center for Writing Excellence
that received the CCCC Writing Program Certificate of Excellence in 2014;
and numerous upper-level writing and rhetoric courses. In addition to our
tenured rhetoric and composition faculty, we have a talented cadre of 28
full-time instructors committed to innovative writing pedagogies. We have a
diverse student body and are proud to have been designated a
Hispanic-Serving Institution (https://www.montclair.edu/
magazine/spring-2016/montclair-state-now-hispanic-serving-institute) and a
top 30 in the nation LGBTQ-friendly campus: http://www.montclair.edu/news/

A testament to the strength of our programs, the writing faculty will form
our own department dedicated to writing and rhetoric, effective January 1,
2017. This new hire will have the opportunity to build curriculum for a new
major in writing and establish a strong foundation for a dynamic and
collaborative department.

MSU is situated in the thriving city of Montclair, NJ, located 14 miles
west of New York City. An on-campus train line provides direct access to
New York City, in addition to Newark, Hoboken, and neighboring suburbs.

My colleagues and I welcome any questions you may have about the
opportunities available at Montclair State University. Visit our website at
http://www.montclair.edu/chss/rcw/ for further details, and direct
questions to Caroline Dadas, search committee chair, at
dadasc at mail.montclair.edu. Please see ad below.

Assistant Professor in Professional or Technical Writing

Tenure-track position in Professional or Technical Writing. Preferred areas
of research specialization include environmental rhetoric, workplace
writing, medical/health writing, science writing, digital and multimodal
writing, or writing for nonprofits, with other specializations welcome. The
successful candidate will maintain an active research program, and
demonstrate potential for successful grant writing, publication, and other
scholarly activities. 3/3 course assignment in a new department dedicated
to rhetoric, composition, and writing studies, which will include an
award-winning First-Year Writing Program and an established minor in
Professional & Public Writing.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in Rhetoric, Writing, Technical Communication, or
related field completed by July, 2017; a well-defined research agenda,
evidence of scholarly engagement and success in or potential for
publications and grants. We particularly seek applicants with an interest
in collaborating with faculty across the university to expand course
offerings in professional and technical writing at the undergraduate and
ultimately graduate level. The successful candidate will join in a rotation
of administrator responsibilities, post-tenure.

Montclair State University, a R3 institution, is one of New Jersey’s most
diverse and dynamic institutions of higher education. Located 14 miles west
of New York City, the University offers a comprehensive undergraduate
curriculum with a global focus; a broad variety of superior graduate
programs through the doctoral level; and a talented and diverse faculty and
student body. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.

Applications due October 24, 2016 via Interfolio

Dr. Caroline Dadas
Associate Professor of Writing Studies
Montclair State University
dadasc at mail.montclair.edu

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