[Air-L] Reminder: [JVWR] Call for Editors -- "Augmented Mind"

Tzafnat Shpak tzafnat.shpak at jvwresearch.org
Mon Aug 14 02:33:13 PDT 2017

Augmented Mind
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*Call for Editors and Papers on "Augmented Mind" *
Call for a prime editor, co-editor(s), and papers on "*Augmented Mind*",
for a special issue of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research to be
published 2018 Q2.   Motivation and Scope:
The JVWR seeks to develop a special issue dedicated to an exploration of
the *Mind* as an umbrella concept of research with relations to virtual

*Suggested topics may include but are not limited to the following

   - Mindfulness
   - Flow
   - New ways of teaching
   - Psychology
   - Digital media studies
   - Games of the mind
   - Relevant hardware
   - EEG / fMRI

Call for Prime and Co- Editors:

We are looking for a *prime guest editor* (with potentially one co-editor)
to manage the process. This is a great opportunity to influence the state
of our field.

You will:

   - Develop a detailed call
   - Review and decide on abstracts and full papers
   - Coordinate reviewers
   - Use our publication system -- extensively (be versed also with Google
   docs, Skype, and other current tools.)
   - Be a deadline-targeted & taking-charge person.
   - Work as single editor or add one or more co-editors.
   - Able to write a short intro including your view / vision / insight on
   the field.
   - Get the academic credit as an editor.

Please reply by *August 15, 2018,* to info at jvwresearch.org
<info at jvwresearch?subject=Editor%20for%20Assembled%202016> with an academic
CV and a cover letter listing your publishing and editing experience.

If you have colleagues who may be interested in becoming editors or
co-editors, please feel free to forward this call further.
Call for Papers:

For papers, kindly email <info at jvwresearch.org> your ideas on the topic,
abstracts, or send us your feedback. This will also help us develop the

Deadlines and Timeline: To be announced

Full papers will be reviewed by expert referees using the JVWR *double-open
policy*. Double-open policy means that in general, authors do not need to
anonymize their papers, and reviewers' identities are also known to
authors. For more details about it see JVWR site --> About JVWR --> For
Authors --> Our double-Open Policy.
  Further Information:

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (*#TheJVWR*) (
is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of
scholarship. We welcome contributions from the many disciplines and
approaches that intersect with virtual worlds research.

to receive announcements about new calls and issues.

For additional information about the journal, please contact:
info at jvwresearch.org
*Copyright © 2017 Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, All rights reserved.*

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