[Air-L] IoT Meeting @ AoIR 2017

Leonie Tanczer ltanczer01 at qub.ac.uk
Fri Aug 25 01:33:28 PDT 2017

Dear All,

My name is Leonie Tanczer. I am part of the PETRAS Internet of Things (IoT) Research Hub (https://www.petrashub.org). PETRAS is a consortium of nine UK universities working together over the next years to explore critical issues in privacy, ethics, trust, reliability, acceptability, and security of the IoT.

Due to this background, I was wondering if there would be an interest in organising an informal meeting for researchers working on/ or interested in the IoT at the upcoming AoIR conference in Tartu. I would envision this meeting to be of relevance to scholars studying smart cities, smart health devices and services, connected and autonomous vehicles, to IoT’s regulatory, security and privacy challenges. The list is certainly not exhaustive, but hopefully gives an indication of the many IoT-related research projects that are taking place across the globe.

While I acknowledge the breadth of the term 'IoT', I thought it might be useful to touch base with others who are active in this realm and/or who feel somewhat associated with it.

If you are interested in participating in such a get-together, please do get in touch with me (l.tanczer at ucl.ac.uk). I’d be delighted to hear more about other international IoT research hubs, projects, and scholars and gladly coordinate a meeting.

I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

With best wishes,
Dr Leonie Maria Tanczer

Research Associate | Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy | University College London

Twitter: @leotanczt | Website: http://www.leonietanczer.net/
Key Fingerprint: 9F21 A6A6 913E 1393 1BC6 73DA EBEF 07A4 F61F 79DA

Recently Published:
Tanczer, L., McConville, R., & Maynard, P. (2016). Censorship and Surveillance in the Digital Age: The Technological Challenges for Academics. Journal of Global Security Studies, 1(4), 346-355.

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