[Air-L] Public Engagement with Data Science
Nathaniel Poor
natpoor at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 07:18:22 PDT 2017
Beta NYC is involved in that kind of thing, and Civic Hall (in NYC) is where some of that happens (like, the Manhattan Borough President comes by from time to time).
> On Aug 25, 2017, at 7:41 AM, Emily Rempel <E.S.Rempel at bath.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been following this list since early 2017, so not sure if this has been asked before...but...do you know of any examples of public involvement/engagement in government data science processes or data science policy-making? Ideally, it would be good to have examples that are (a) not single events such as workshops and (b) that do not require the participants to be highly technically literate.
> I've done quite a bit of google and academic database searching but have only come across, maybe, five or six examples. Any links you have would be much appreciated! Thanks!
> Best,
> Emily
> Emily S. Rempel
> Department of Psychology
> University of Bath
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Nathaniel Poor, Ph.D.
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