[Air-L] History and origins of diffusion processes

Thomas Ball xtc283 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 07:30:12 PST 2017

If one looks up the word 'diffusion' in the *Dictionary of the History of
Science*, you get the standard explanation that 'diffusion' originated in
the 19th c with Graham and Maxwell and has a Latin etymology in the word,
*diffundere*, which means "to spread out." There has to be more to the
story than this, right?

Earlier references might include the  "diffusion of refracted light" in
Robert Greene (1727) and "diffusion of light" in Newton's *Optical Lectures*

My question for these listservs is, does anyone have any additional insight
into the history and origins of the abstract idea of 'diffusion?'

Thank you,
Thomas Ball

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