[Air-L] Call for Academic and Practitioners Nominations for Global mobileGov Awards 2018

mobileLife Conference and Exhibitions emre at mgovernment.net
Thu Dec 14 06:30:25 PST 2017

mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2018
Brighton UK during 14-15 June 2018 

You are requested to nominate yourself, your company or organisations for Global mobileGov Awards 2018.

There is also an  "Academic Category" for outstanding academic contributions and research to the mobileGovernment field. 

For more information on the awards and participation please visit www.m4life.org

The organisation is also seeking highly qualified speakers and experts to give talks and tutorials and propose panels or special sessions to be part of the next mobileGov2018.
General topics include, but not limited to
-  mobileGovernment, mobileDevelopment, mobileSociety, 
-  IOT and Artificial Intelligence as well as 
-  good old fashioned eGovernment, smart cities and smart government
-  big data, open government, 
-  mobileApps, service and Content delivery
-  mobileID, participation, privacy and security
For specific topics and coverage please review the draft program at the conference site - www.m4life.org
If interested please send a short proposal (max. 2 pages) with a bio to conf at m4life.org as soon as possible.
Best wishes
Ayse Tulay  Aydinoglu
@ mLife Organisation Team

mobileLife Events - mGovWS2018
conf at m4life.org

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