[Air-L] Virtual Heritage Network 2018 conference, 11-13 April 2018, Dublin, Ireland

Amber Cushing amber.cushing at ucd.ie
Fri Dec 15 02:39:55 PST 2017

*VHN Ireland Conference, 11-13 April 2018 **Hosted by the School of
Information & Communication Studies, UCD*

The 2018 (VHN) conference will be hosted by the School of Information and
Communication Studies, UCD <https://www.ucd.ie/sils/> and co-sponsored by
the Digital Repository of Ireland <http://dri.ie>.  VHN 2018 will be *held
at The Royal Irish Academy*, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, from Wednesday
11th – Friday 13th April 2018. VHN Ireland aims to bring together people
who work for the support, improvement and promotion of virtual heritage in
Ireland and beyond across the academic, business, education, cultural
heritage, policy, and tourism sectors. It welcomes people from a diverse
range of backgrounds including archaeology, cultural studies, social
sciences, arts, humanities, conservation, education, engineering, computer
science, business, and industry. We particularly welcome international
researchers and professionals who work on Virtual Heritage outside Ireland.

*What is Virtual Heritage?*

*Virtual* refers to computer-generated visualisations having three or more
dimensions regardless of the method used to produce them (e.g. modelling,
photogrammetry, scanning, additive manufacturing and 3D printing,
virtual/augmented reality, RTI etc.). *Heritage* refers to tangible
objects, such as cultural heritage sites, monuments and artefacts, as well
as intangible elements, such as performing arts, social and ritual
practices, knowledge and skills.

*Objectives of VHN Ireland*

●      To make connections between people from a variety of sectors in
Ireland and beyond who share an active interest in virtual heritage;

●      To encourage and support the carrying out of virtual heritage
activities of the highest international standards;

●      To promote knowledge, understanding and appreciation of virtual
heritage in Ireland and beyond;

●      To undertake any other activity that benefits virtual heritage in
Ireland and beyond.

*Call for Papers*

The VHN: Ireland 2018 organising committee invites proposals for papers,
posters and interactive presentations relating to all aspects of cultural
heritage in Ireland. This year’s themes include but are not limited to

●      Interdisciplinary investigations of virtual heritage;

●      Digitising Cultural Heritage;

●      Representing Data;

●      Engagement with New Technologies and Methods;

 We welcome projects, which include co-operation between public and private
bodies as well as public engagement and Citizen Science aspects.

Topics to be discussed this year may include but are not limited to:

●      *3D Data Capture and Representation*

Photogrammetry & Image-Based Modelling

3D Scanning & Digitisation (laser, structured light, motion capture, etc.)

Multispectral Imaging /Hyperspectral Imaging

Remote Sensing and Aerial LiDAR


UAV Applications

Low Cost Sensors

●      *Visualisation and Interaction*

Computer Graphics

Gaming Technologies

Real + Virtual Worlds (mixed/augmented reality)

Immersive Displays

Local/Remote Rendering

Active/Passive Stereo Displays

3D Printing

●      *Analysis and Interpretation*

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM)

3D Modelling (CAD-based and reality-based)

Linking 3D to Information Systems

3D Repositories

3D Geographic Information Systems

Automated 3D Modelling Algorithms and Techniques

Procedural Methods for Architectural Modelling

Open Source Algorithms/Software for 3D Reconstruction

●      *Theoretical issues, Ethics, Debates and Challenges*

Issues facing Heritage in 2018

Ownership and Copyright

Display of Virtual Heritage

●      *Policy and standards*

Metadata Handling & Management

Digital Rights

Heritage Commons

Heritage at Risk


Access to and use of materials

●      *Applications of Virtual Heritage*

Virtual Documentation

Virtual Heritage Conservation

Virtual Museums

Virtual Exhibitions

Virtual Archaeology

Serious Games for Cultural Heritage

●      *The Role of Social Media in Virtual Heritage*

Community Engagement and participatory events

Citizen Science

Open Access to Data

Social Media Outlets for Data

●      *Virtual Heritage and Tourism Development*

                                    Virtual Heritage as a Tool for
Promoting Tourism

Impact of Virtual Heritage on a National/Regional Level

                                    Initiatives to Develop Cultural and
Creative Ventures

                                    Promotion and Development of Culture,
Arts, Creativity and Innovation

                                    Virtual Heritage and Education


*Abstracts for Oral Presentation*

Submitted abstracts should not exceed 600 words and should be necessarily
accompanied by 2-4 images that adequately illustrate the content of your
talk. The abstract should include the aims of your research/project, the
methods used and the outcomes. Where appropriate, you can also add
citations to relevant published work. The abstract should also be
accompanied by a brief bio note of all authors and a short description of
the topic (max. 100 words) to be used in the conference’s programme.

*Abstracts for Posters*

Submitted abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should be necessarily
accompanied by 1-2 images that adequately illustrate the content of your
poster. Alternatively you can send a draft version of your poster in pdf or
jpg format. The abstract or poster should also be accompanied by a brief
bio note of the all authors and a short description of the topic (max. 100
words) to be used in the conference’s programme.

*All proposals should be submitted in word (.doc, .docx) or pdf format
using this form
Completed submission forms should be sent to our submissions and reviewing
coordinators at **submit.vhnireland at gmail.com* <submit.vhnireland at gmail.com>.

Please note: Acceptance to the conference is subject to positive review by
the VHN: Ireland 2018 Scientific Committee.

*Format of Presentations *

*Oral Presentations *

·       Traditional Presentation

Presentations in PowerPoint or other presentation software/platform up to a
maximum of *10 minutes* followed by presentation-specific questions from
the audience and a panel discussion at the end of each thematic section or
the end of the session.

Each session will be chaired by an expert in the field who will also act as
the discussant at the end of each session, commenting on the papers and
initiating discussion with the audience. For this reason, all participants
are required to send out their presentations (text and slides) at least 10
days before the event.

·       Interactive Presentations and Other Non-conventional Forms of

An interactive project exhibition will provide an opportunity for
demonstrations of virtual heritage work showcasing your work.  This
presentation is designed to promote the work of Early stage researchers and
students with research ideas and/or preliminary research. SME’s and
Cultural Institutions are also invited to submit research or community
based projects with strong interactive elements.

*Posters *

A poster session will provide an opportunity for preliminary work to be
presented and discussed directly with an individual or a research team.

*Registration Fees*

Registration fees (full: €50 / DRI member: €40 / unemployed/low
income/student: €25) include attendance at conference sessions, conference
bags, coffee breaks, lunch on both days, and one year membership at VHN:
Ireland. Registration fees do not include the conference dinner (optional),
accommodation, and workshop attendance. Participation to the Managing Small
Archaeological collections workshop co-hosted by COST Arkwork (see below)
costs €20. Registration will open on 1st March 2018.

As a conference co-sponsor, VHN is pleased to offer those associated with
DRI member institutions a preferential rate.  ALL DRI members may register
for the DRI member rate of €40 until the registration closing date. Twenty
registrations (nearly 1/6 of total registrations available) will be held
exclusively for DRI members until March 15th.  After this date, the
registrations will be released to the general public. For a list of DRI
member institutions, please see the DRI organisations page

VHN: Ireland 2018 intends to provide a limited number of bursaries to
support students, jobseekers and unemployed researchers to participate in
the conference.  These opportunities will be announced at a later date.


Sponsored by COST Arkwork <https://www.arkwork.eu/>, VHN: Ireland 2018 will
organise a pre-conference workshop on the topic of managing small
archaeological collections on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 at the Royal Irish
Academy.  *Details will be forthcoming.*  Space will be limited; tickets
can be purchased via Eventbrite, which will open on 1 March 2018.


VHN: Ireland 2018 will provide a number of bursaries to students,
jobseekers, and unemployed researchers to attend or present their work at
the conference. These will cover the registration fees but subject to
adequate resources they may also contribute to or cover travelling and
accommodation. If you are interested in one of the bursaries please ‘tick’
the relevant box in the form of submission and attach one document that
will include 1)1 pg. cover letter;  2) 2 page CV; 3) budget for travelling
and accommodation. In case you will not present at the conference but you
would still like to be considered for a registration fee waiver to attend
the conference and/or workshop, please send us an email with a cover letter
and CV attached to submit.vhnireland at gmail.com by 1 February 2018 and put
in the subject line: VHN Bursaries.

*Call for Exhibitors*

VHN: Ireland 2018 invites businesses and industries that would like to
promote and demonstrate their work and/or products and services for a small
fee during the conference at the Royal Irish Academy on 12-13 April 2018.  VHN:
Ireland 2018 can provide the following:

●       Space to set your promotional stall.

●       Include flyers or other promotional material (bookmarks, pens etc.)
in the conference bag.

●       Acknowledge your sponsorship to all our members via e-mail and
social media.

●       Acknowledge your sponsorship to all visitors of our website and
also include your logo in a special section of the website.

●        To include the logo of your company in the publication that will
come out a few months after the conference.

If you are interested in a collaboration with VHN: Ireland 2018 please send
an email to vhnireland at gmail.com with the subject line ‘VHN Exhibitors’ by
1 March 2018.

*Key Dates*

22 January 2018

Deadline for Submission of Paper Proposals and Bursaries

1 March 2018

Registration Opens (Conference & Workshop)

*30 March 2018*

*Registration for Workshop Closes *(limited numbers)

16 February 2018

Notification of Acceptance to the Conference

16 February 2018

Notification of grant recipients

*31 March 2018*

*Registration for Conference Closes*

20 March 2018

Deadline for Exhibitors/ Demonstrators

11 April 2018

Workshop Date

12-13 April 2018

Conference Dates

*Website & Social Media*

Visit our website (vhnireland.org <http://www.vhnireland.org/>) where you
will soon find more information about VHN: Ireland as well as options for
travelling and staying in Dublin during your visit. In the meantime, follow
us on Twitter and Facebook:

https://twitter.com/VHNIreland <https://twitter.com/VHNIreland>

https://www.facebook.com/VHNIreland <https://www.facebook.com/VHNIreland>


We look forward to welcoming you at the Royal Irish Academy in April

The Organising Committee of VHN: Ireland 2018
Dr. Amber L. Cushing
Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Director, Msc & Graduate Certificate in Digital Curation
PhD Programme Coordinator
School of Information and Communication Studies
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
+353 01 716 8441
*new office location as of 6 Sept 2016-C117 Newman*

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