[Air-L] mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2017: Draft Program Posted

emre at mgovernment.net emre at mgovernment.net
Fri Feb 17 03:35:13 PST 2017

Dear Colleagues,

--- apologies for cross postings ----

This year The mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2017
is featuring Various Governments' Use of mobile Technologies and
Global mobileGov Awards.

The draft program is posted on the web site and will be updated
regularly as more speakers from the public sector and private sector
join in.

The core of the program constitutes a discussion of various
governments' experiences, needs and requirements in using mobile
technologies to transform public sector organisations and to offer
mobile services to citizens. A forum to help other governments and
solutions providers to have deeper insights on actual implementation.

There are also a number of pre-conference Tutorials and Workshops as
well as talks by experts in key areas.

There are still opportunities for speaking, exhibiting, sponsoring and
sending nominations for the Global mobileGov Awards 2017.

The draft  program can be accessed here:
http://www.m4life.org/conferences/mgovsummit2016/program/ and the
registration to the Summit is open.

Please feel free to circulate this information to those who may be
interested in mobileGov World Summit and Global mobileGov Awards 2017.

Best Regards,

Emre Simsek
MobileGov UK
emre at mgovernment.org

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