[Air-L] UPEC Summer School 2017: Impact Program (International Media, Political Action & Communication Technologies)

Stephanie Wojcik stephanie.wojcik at u-pec.fr
Tue Feb 21 00:26:07 PST 2017

UPEC Summer School 2017: Impact Program (International Media, Political Action & Communication Technologies). Paris, July 3-13 2017

For the third consecutive year, the University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC, France) is organizing a summer school with a two-week English course program that will interest members of the list, particularly Master 2 or PHD students in social sciences who wish to specialize and / or benefit from an intensive training on the stakes of public, political and activist communication.

You will find the educational and practical information on Impact (International Media, Political Action & Communication Technologies) at the following address : http://summerschool.u-pec.fr/courses-credits/impact-international-media-political-action-communication-technologies--658480.kjsp?RH=1421917640115
Please feel free to hand out to any student who could be interested.

Best wishes,
Stéphanie Wojcik and Benjamin Ferron

Dr. Stéphanie Wojcik
Lecturer in Communication studies
University of Paris Est Créteil (France)
stephanie.wojcik at u-pec.fr<mailto:stephanie.wojcik at u-pec.fr>
Scientific responsible for the DEL research network http://www.reseaudel.fr/
@reseauDEL / @stephaniewojcik

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