[Air-L] *Corrected link*: STS/Digital Society 12-month postdoc on climate change & social media

Warren Pearce warren.pearce at sheffield.ac.uk
Fri Feb 24 02:58:05 PST 2017

The correct URL is http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AXL105/research-associate/
(Thanks to those that pointed out my error!)

On 22 February 2017 at 11:40, Warren Pearce <warren.pearce at sheffield.ac.uk>

> *Apologies for cross-posting*
> 12-month postdoc position now open working on the “Making Climate Social”
> <http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk/projects?ref=ES/N002016/1> project on social media
> climate change communication, within the burgeoning STS and Digital Society
> clusters at Sheffield. The postholder will use qual methods, including
> ethnography, to investigate the contexts within which social media
> communication take place. The Met Office is a partner organisation on the
> project.
> The closing date is 21st March. Please forward to suitable candidates
> and/or networks, and email me directly with any informal enquiries.
> Best wishes, Warren
> Dr Warren Pearce,
> Faculty Fellow (iHuman),
> The Department of Sociological Studies,
> Faculty of Social Science,
> Elmfield, Northumberland Road,
> Sheffield, S10 2TU.
> @WarrenPearce

Dr Warren Pearce
Faculty Fellow (iHuman),
Room B06b, The Department of Sociological Studies,
Faculty of Social Science,
Elmfield, Northumberland Road,
Sheffield, S10 2TU.

@WarrenPearce <https://twitter.com/WarrenPearce>

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