[Air-L] Deadline soon: CSCL 2017: interactive sessions, doctoral, early and mid-career workshops

Gabriela Richard gtr200 at nyu.edu
Fri Feb 24 04:33:18 PST 2017

***Deadline soon***

Instructions to Apply for the CSCL 2017 Doctoral Consortium (DC), Early
Career Workshop (ECW), Mid-Career Workshop (MCW), and Interactive Events

The organizing committees for the CSCL 2017 DC, ECW, MCW, and Interactive
Events are pleased to accept applications. The instructions for
applications to each event are detailed on the conference website,
https://isls.org/cscl/2017, under the submissions tab.

Applicants can submit materials until February 28, 2017 on the proposal
submissions website (https://precisionconference.com/~cscl/ ) under the new
submissions link.

Please note that you can only attend a DC, ECW, or MCW workshop once,
therefore repeat applications will not be considered. Repeat submissions to
the Interactive Events are allowed.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the review process by mid to
late March.

We look forward to receiving your application.

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