[Air-L] FEB 23 SYMPOSIUM #NotAskingForIt: Rape, Discourse and Media

Feona Attwood F.Attwood at mdx.ac.uk
Mon Feb 6 06:25:59 PST 2017

#NotAskingForIt: Rape, Discourse and Media

Thursday 23rd Feb, 9:30am-6pm

Middlesex University

Committee Room 1, The Town Hall, The Burroughs, Hendon, NW4 4BT.

To reserve your free ticket please click here

This one day symposium aims to explore the widespread interest in rape culture, within the academy and within popular media more generally.  Much of this popular discussion focuses on the lived experience of rape culture, or the social codes and conventions that support or legitimate violence against women. This event will focus on the cultural construction of rape and sexual violence. It will explore the discursive construction of rape in legal settings, as well as interrogating the intersection between rape culture and the media. This will encompass a broad range of perspectives within feminist media and cultural studies: from the construction of rape in both social and legal contexts; to the representation of fictional violence in contemporary film and television; an interrogation of the journalistic practices in investigating and reporting on such crimes; and the crucial role of social media in the process of spreading rape myths, enacting violence as well as, in some cases, directly challenging gendered violence and dismantling pervasive cultural constructions.

Keynote Speakers include:  Professor Jessica Ringrose, Dr Kaitlynn Mendes and Dr Nicola Henry.  For a full schedule see https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/notaskingforit-rape-discourse-and-media-tickets-31536437333

Feona Attwood
Professor of Cultural Studies, Communication and Media
Middlesex University, UK

Porn Studies http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rprn20#.VW8jTlxViko
Sexualities https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/sexualities/journal200950

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