[Air-L] Peace on Facebook, 2009

Nicholas John n.john at huji.ac.il
Thu Feb 23 06:12:04 PST 2017

Hi everyone,
"In 2009 Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab partnered with Facebook, IMVU and other technology companies to launch Peace Dot, the first technology based initiative to measure peace on the internet.” (Link <https://peaceinnovation.stanford.edu/projects/peacedot/peace-facebook-com-case-study/>) They produced a page, peace.facebook.com <http://peace.facebook.com/>, which showed the number of Facebook ties made across the lines of national and religious conflicts, and showed the results of an ongoing survey into Facebook users’ belief in the chances of world peace. This lives on as www.facebook.com/peace. 
Does anyone here know anything about this project? Did anyone here write about it back in the day? 
Is anyone here from Facebook and would like to talk to me about this page? (Please?!)

Nicholas John 
Department of Communication 
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
T +972 54 7906073 
@nicholasajohn <http://www.twitter.com/nicholasajohn> 
nicholasjohn.huji.ac.il <http://nicholasjohn.huji.ac.il/>

Check out my new book,The Age of Sharing, at Amazon <https://www.amazon.com/Age-Sharing-Nicholas-John/dp/074566251X> or directly from Polity <http://politybooks.com/bookdetail/?isbn=9780745662503> 
Listen to a podcast <http://newbooksnetwork.com/nicholas-a-john-the-age-of-sharing-polity-press-2016/> on the New Books Network. 
Read an excerpt  <http://culturedigitally.org/2016/11/the-age-of-sharing-by-nicholas-john-an-excerpt/>and responses  <http://culturedigitally.org/2016/12/dialogue_nikjohn/>at Culture Digitally.


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