[Air-L] RTIS 2017

ijwa at dline.info ijwa at dline.info
Mon Jul 10 21:59:57 PDT 2017

Second International Conference on Real-Time Intelligent Systems

University of Macau, Macau  &
December 08-10, 2017

University  of Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
October 18-20, 2017

(Springer's Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing)

The conference has-

Doctoral Consortium
DEMO Session
Journal Track
Mentorship Programme
Ph.D. Dissertation Competition
Proofreading translation program

Real-Time Computing covers a broad spectrum of the intensively 
developing area of low-latency priority-driven system responsiveness 
under certain time constrains to essential and decisive human-computer 
interactions with constantly incoming data stream. Research on real-time 
intelligent systems is of a multi-disciplinary nature, exploiting 
concepts from the areas as diverse as signal processing technologies, 
computational intelligence, location systems, data processing, digital 
document processing and embedded system design. To accomplish its 
real-time performance, systematic analysis is carried out when the 
systems are working.

Therefore, over the last few years real-time intelligent computing has 
radically transformed human life style. In the today's competitive and 
highly dynamic environment, analyzing data in real time is a must to 
understand in detail how the systems are processing the data and to 
reason the outputs and anticipate the trends in intelligent computing, 
has become critical. To leverage the full potential of the opportunity 
build complex real time systems, intense research is required and this 
conference will serve as one such platform to manifest the ongoing 
research in the real time intelligence system.
The conference welcomes theoretically grounded, methodologically sound 
research papers from academia and industry that address variety of 
aspects and innovations related to real-time computing systems.

The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to the 
following areas:

Streaming data, streaming engines
Big Data systems and applications for high-velocity data
Analysis in advanced domains such as energy, sensors, etc
Artificial Intelligence
Broadband Intelligence
Cloud Computing and Intelligence
Collaborative Intelligence
Crowdsourcing and crowd intelligence
Data capture in real-time
Intelligent Database Systems
Data mining
Intelligent Data Analysis
OLAP for real-time decision support
Data quality and cleansing
Intelligent Fuzzy Systems
Event-driven analytics
Visualizing real-time data and information
Intelligent Soft Computing
Privacy and security in Intelligence
Architectures for Intelligence
Internet of Things
Intelligent Robotic Systems
Smart Services and Platforms
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Mobile Smart Systems
Trace-based intelligent real-time services (eye-tracking, image 
Real-time intelligent alert systems
Machine translation in real time
Multilingual information access
Multiagent Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Information Systems
Adaptive vision algorithms
Real-time Intelligent Network solutions
Real-time distributed coding
Real-time modelling user’s information needs
Real-time noise removal systems
Real-time intelligent communication
Real-time remote access systems
Decision support systems in real time
Real-time multiprocessor systems

The Proceedings will be published by Springer in the  Proceedings of the 
2nd International Conference on Real-Time Intelligent Systems, Volume 2 
RTIS 2017.  (http://www.springer.com/series/11156 )

Selected top papers presented will be published in the following 

1. Journal of Medical Internet Research (SCI & Scopus)
2. Virtual Reality (SCI & Scopus)
3. The Journal of Intelligent Systems (SCI & Scopus)
4. Future Internet (SCI & Scopus)
5. Machine Learning (SCI & Scopus)
6. Journal of Digital Information Management (Scopus)

General Chairs

Simon Fong, University of Macau, Macau
Abderrahim Sekkaki, University Hassan II, Morocco
Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko, Opole University, Poland

Program Chairs

Abderrahim Sekkaki, UH2C, Casablanca, Morocco
Mohamed Lahby UH2C, Casablanca, Morocco
Pit Pichappan, Digital Information Research Lab., India

Important Dates

Paper Submission: July 25, 2017/August 10, 2017 (For Macau)
Paper Notification: August 25, 2017/September 05, 2017 (For Macau)
Camera ready: September 30, 2017/October 15, 2017 (For Macau)
Registration: October 05, 2017/October 31, 2017 For (Macau)
Conference Dates: October 18-20, 2017/December 08-10, 2017 (For Macau)

Submissions at http://www.socio.org.uk/rtis/paper-submission/
Contact: rtis at socio.org.uk

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