[Air-L] Fw: CFP Populism and Leadership Leadership & The Humanities
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Tue Jul 11 03:36:51 PDT 2017
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Leadership& The Humanities
S.I. onPopulism and Leadershi
Guest editors:
Antonio Marturano, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Fabio Tarzia, University of Rome La Sapienza
Rationalefor contributors
Populismis the most controversial topic in leadership studies, as it intersectsdifferent disciplines, from sociology to political philosophy. Since DonaldTrump’s election
as US president, and with similar elections results acrossEurope, populism has, however, ceased to be a mere subject of academicspeculation, to become a widely
perceived and heatedly debated issue in thesociety at large.
Accordingto Cas Mudde and Cristobal Rovira Kaltwasser (2014), there is no consensus onthe very nature of populism. Some scholars, indeed, argue that all the
different instances of populism are characterised by the existence of acharismatic and strong leader, who is able to mobilize the masses and controlthe political
organization behind him or her; others define populism as anideology or world view that assumes that society is characterized by aManichean division between ‘the
pure people’ and ‘the corrupt elite’ (MichaelKazin, 1995:1).
Finally,a third group of scholars (especially media and social scientists) refer topopulism as a peculiarl political style, which helps politicians and parties tostay in tune
with their constituencies by appealing to emotional clues,employing spin doctors, and advocating simplistic solutions to very complexproblems as are the cases of
Blairism, in UK (Peter Mair, 2002) Berlusconism,in Italy (Dwayne Woods, 2014) and, today, of Trump in the US (John Foot, 2016).Although a majority of scholarly
works focuses on Western European or SouthAmerican leadership, very little literature engages with Asian leadership. Theoreticallinks between leadership and
populism are not straightforward: is not,apparently, possible to equate populism with charismatic, authoritarian orpaternalistic leadership styles, but as Kurt Weyland
(2001:14) has argued, itseems to be a broadly defined political strategy to obtain a larger consensus,based on direct, unmediated, un-institutionalised support from a
large mass ofunorganised followers. Manuel Anselmi (2017) argues that populist leadershipcan even survive to its charismatic leader, as in the case of Chavez’s
Venezuela, presenting a challenge to one of the most fundamental dogmas inLeadership Studies, which states a direct relation between leader and his/herfollowers.
Democratic populism is also possible: as Daniele Albertazzi andDuncan McDonnell (2008) argued, populism and democracy are inextricably linked.As Yves Meny
and Yves Surel (2002: 19) note, populist parties ‘can alsocontaminate the other parties by influencing the style of leadership, the typeof political discourse and the
relationship between leader and followers. Thisremains, in our view, an under-explored area of study.
Thesubmissions to the special issue will contribute to setting the agenda for thisserious and timely discussion in Leadership Studies. Topics to be explored from
theoretical as well as practical perspectives include, but are not restrictedto, the following: -Populism and contemporary organizational processes;
- DirectDemocracy and Populism;
-Differences and similarities between populism and paternalistic leadership
- Isthere an Oriental leadership? What are its characteristics?
-Populism and consumption
-Populism and the birth of “movements” (Occupy Wall Street, M5S, Indignados)
-Difference and similarities between European and US leadership
-Development of populistic leadership in South America
-Trump’s “populism”
- Theroots of modern populism in the US
-Charisma and Populist leadership
-Characteristics of Populist leadership in EU countries
- Therole of morality in populist leadership
- Thefollowers-leadership relation in populist leadership
- Faithand populist leadership
-Populist leadership with no leader References:
Albertazziand McDonnell (2008): “Introduction: The Sceptre and the Spectre”, inAlbertazzi and McDonnell (eds.), Twenty-First Century Populism. The Spectre of
Western European Democracy, London: Palgrave-MacMillan, pp. 1-11;
Anselmi(2017): “Post-Populism in Latin America: On Venezuela After Chavez”, Chin. Polit.Sci. Rev., published online 03.07.2017
Post-populism in Latin America: On Venezuela after Chávez
en7YX61iPwmZu8J6Vgrk0lLvMrJFfRU3kdIXO463Xi7HuUpg%3D%3D,Retrieved 04.07.2017.
Foot(2016): “We’ve seen Donald Trump before – his name was Silvio Berlusconi”, TheGuardian, 20/10/2016.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/20/donald-trump-silvio-berlusconi-italy-prime-minister.Retrieved 3/02/2017.
Kazin(1995): The Populist Persuasion: An American History, Ithaca (NY): CornellU.P.;
Mair(2002): “Populist Democracy vs Party Democracy”, in Meny and Surel (eds.),Democracies and the Populist Challenge, Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp.81-98;
Meny andSurel (eds.) (2002): Democracies and the Populist Challenge, Basingstoke:Palgrave;
Muddeand Kaltwasser (2014): “Political Leadership and Populism”, in Hart and Rhodes(eds.), Oxford Handbook on Political Leadership, Oxford: Oxford U.P., pp.377-
Weyland(2001): “Clarifying a contested concept: Populism in the study of Latin Americapolitics”, Comparative Politics, 34/1: pp. 1-22;
Woods(2014): “The Many Faces of Populism in Italy: The Northern League andBerlusconism”, in Woods and Wejnert (eds.) The Many Faces of Populism: Current
Perspectives (Research in Political Sociology, Volume 22) Emerald GroupPublishing Limited, pp.27 - 51 Brieffor contributors:
In linewith the editorial aims of the journal, this call for papers focusesspecifically on the relationship between leadership studies – broadly conceivedand populism
within a humanist approach. The editors welcome academic paperswhich are interdisciplinary in character. Contributions may combine widerethical-political and
theoretical questions concerning populism. The specialissue, as with other issues of the journal, welcomes material in a variety offormats, including high quality peer-
reviewed academic papers, reflections,debates and commentaries on policy and practice, book reviews and reviewarticles. Academic papers should be between 4-
7,000 words long. Please consultthe style rules laid-out on the journal’s website:https://www.elgaronline.com/view/journals/lath/lath-overview.xml. All academicpapers
will be double-blind peer- reviewed in the normal way. Procedureand timelines:
1) CFPdissemination 5th July 2017
2)Completed first drafts of papers are due by the 3rd January 2018 must besubmitted via email to leadership.populism at gmail.com
3) Authors informed of reviewers feedback by 15th March 2018
4)Second revised version of the manuscripts must be submitted by 15th May 2018
5) Finaldecision on manuscripts: 1st July 2018
6) Final(revised) versions must be submitted by the 1st September 2018.
7)Papers published in the first issue, vol. 7 2019.
Dr.Antonio Marturano (PhD) Dept. of History, Cultural Heritage, Education andSociety Universityof Rome, Tor Vergata
via Columbia, 1
00173 Rome (Italy)
Founder and Associate EditorLeadership & The Humanities, Edward Elgar
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