[Air-L] Fwd: CFP: Global Internet Television | Media Industries Journal special section
Ramon Lobato
ramonlobato at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 16:53:51 PDT 2017
<< Global Internet Television >>
A MEDIA INDUSTRIES special section
To be published: September 2018 (Issue 13)
Ramon Lobato, RMIT University – ramon.lobato at rmit.edu.au
Amanda Lotz, University of Michigan – lotz at umich.edu
Julian Thomas, RMIT University – julian.thomas at rmit.edu.au
In recent years major over-the-top subscription services including
Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have been expanding into new
international markets, becoming quasi-global television networks. At
the same time, online TV offerings from incumbent pay-TV providers,
broadcasters and telcos are proliferating, using diverse programming,
pricing, and marketing tailored to the demands of their national and
regional audiences.
Together, this mutating landscape of internet-distributed television
raises many questions for media industry research. Which models of
internet television distribution are succeeding in different
countries, and why? What are the major policy issues shaping the
evolution of internet television around the world? What regulatory
problems and responses are emerging? What are the implications for
longer debates about transnational and global television? Despite all
the change characteristic of these services, legacy television
institutions persist as well. What frameworks help us explain and talk
about television in a period of such a variety of industrial
This special section of Media Industries invites critical analyses of
the industrial dynamics of internet television as seen from various
parts of the globe. We especially invite contributions that take a
comparative or transnational approach to the topic. Internet
television is an evolving and contested term that, for some,
encompasses a range of services, from amateur video channels and
live-streams through to curated subscription services such as Netflix.
While acknowledging these blurred boundaries, this issue focuses
primarily on industrially curated services for professional content.
Topics to be considered may include:
• The evolving geography of different services and their various
characteristics (programming, catalog structures, business models,
branding, marketing, etc.);
• The infrastructural and market conditions required for success in
internet television services, the unevenness of these conditions
across countries, and their implications;
• National and transnational policy issues including net
neutrality, internet filtering, censorship, classification, and local
content quotas;
• The challenges posed by these services to existing scholarly and
industrial frameworks for understanding transnational television flows
and trade;
• Debates about local taste and viewing cultures as they relate to
internet TV;
• Internet TV and the international intellectual property system.
Articles should be 5000-7000 words in length, and may take the form of
argument-driven case studies; analyses of particular industry, policy,
regulatory or infrastructural issues; or other approaches as agreed
with the editors. Submissions should reflect a media industry studies
approach to the topic. (Please note we are not seeking articles
focused exclusively on analysis of the content distributed by these
services, unless accompanied by discussion of industrial practices.)
Media Industries is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that supports
critical studies of media industries, institutions, and policies
worldwide. Media Industries expects contributions to adopt a critical,
rather than instrumental, perspective and to engage with relevant
media industries literature. We are especially interested in
contributions that draw attention to global and international
perspectives, and use innovative methodologies, imaginative
theoretical approaches, and new research directions. We encourage
authors to employ the online format creatively by incorporating
audiovisual materials and hyperlinks within their articles. Articles
accepted for review will be double blind-reviewed by two reviewers.
Abstracts (500 words) should be emailed to the editors by 1 October
2017. Send to: ramon.lobato at rmit.edu.au | lotz at umich.edu |
julian.thomas at rmit.edu.au
For accepted articles, the following deadlines apply:
> Full article submission: 1 February 2018
> Revision deadline: 15 April 2018
> Publication date: September 2018
Email enquiries to the editors are welcome at any stage.
Dr Ramon Lobato
Senior Research Fellow
Technology, Communication and Policy Lab | Digital Ethnography Research Centre
School of Media and Communication
Building 9, Level 4, Room 27
RMIT University
Corner Franklin and Bowen Sts, Melbourne VIC 3004
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