[Air-L] Call for Participation: AoIR Early Career Scholars Workshop

Jeff Hemsley jjhemsle at syr.edu
Tue Jun 6 09:35:35 PDT 2017

Call for Participation: AoIR Early Career Scholars Workshop

We are building a global community of junior scholars within AoIR - join us
at AoIR 2017 - Tartu!!

When: October 18th, AoIR 2017 preconference afternoon session

Organizers: Jeff Hemsley (Syracuse University), Andrea L. Guzman (Northern
Illinois University), Esther Chin (Swinburne University of Technology),
Efrat Daskal (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Zachary J. McDowell
(University of Illinois Chicago)

Audience: This workshop is geared toward early career scholars who have
their terminal degree and are working toward establishing themselves in a
scholarly career. We have worked to create a workshop that is reflective of
AoIR’s international membership and the different type of academic and
research institutions represented. (Please note: Students should apply to
the Doctoral Colloquium).

Goals: 1) Provide a space for the next generation of AoIR scholars to start
building strong ties with each other, more established researchers, and the
AoIR community. 2) To promote understanding of the breadth of academic
work, including our shared experiences and differences. 3) Connect with
established academics to learn strategies for forwarding our careers. 4)
Gain insight into how to formulate similar workshops in future years that
support the need for mentoring early scholars in the AoIR community.

Format: We will have a mix of interactive sessions involving early career
scholars and established academics. To that end, we are asking participants
to tell us what they want to talk about.

Registration: Participants must register through the official AoIR 2017
conference. We also are asking participants to email 1 to 3 questions that
they would like addressed by a panel of established scholars to Jeff
Hemsley (jjhemsle at syr.edu) AND Andrea L. Guzman (alguzman at niu.edu).

For more information: https://aoir.org/aoir2017/preconworkshop/#ECS

Jeff Hemsley
Assistant Professor
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
Author of 'Going Viral', Polity Press, 2013
Twitter: @JeffHemsley

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