[Air-L] Software that counts words per line of text

Maurice Vergeer m.vergeer at maw.ru.nl
Fri Jun 9 08:46:10 PDT 2017

Dear Xanat
do you have access to SPSS and have you worked with it?
Lately SPSS has become more capable handling texts. A procedure listed
below should enable you to do the job. Use it with the compute statement to
create variables indicating the keywords are present or not.
Similar things can be done in R.

SPSS manual:
CHAR.SUBSTR. CHAR.SUBSTR(strexpr,pos[,length]). String. Returns the
substring beginning at character
position pos of strexpr. The optional third argument represents the number
of characters in the substring.
If the optional argument length is omitted, returns the substring beginning
at character position pos of
strexpr and running to the end of strexpr. For example CHAR.SUBSTR('abcd',
2) returns 'bcd' and
CHAR.SUBSTR('abcd', 2, 2) returns 'bc'. (Note: Use the SUBSTR function
instead of CHAR.SUBSTR if you
want to use the function on the left side of an equals sign to replace a

Hope this gets you on your way

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 7:05 AM, Xanat Meza <kt_designbox at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Is there any available software where I can input a list of keywords and a
> long text composed by several sentences (or paragraphs), and the output
> gives me the keyword count per sentence/paragraph?
> Regards, Xanat V. Meza
> Ph.D. candidate - Kansei, Behavioral and Brain SciencesUniversity of
> Tsukuba
> M.A. Media and Communication
> Yeungnam University
> B.D. Graphic Communication Design
> Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
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Maurice Vergeer
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