[Air-L] CfP: Int. Workshop on Health Recommender Systems co-located with ACM RecSys 2017

Christoph Trattner trattner.christoph at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 05:29:35 PDT 2017

      ** Please forward to anyone who might be interested **
                      CALL FOR PAPERS
International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems,
              to be held in Como (Italy)
    co-located with ACM RECSYS 2017 (https://recsys.acm.org/)

      Website: http://healthrecsys.ur.de

Important Dates:
** June, 22nd, 2017 Paper submission deadline
** June, 13th, 2017 Notification to authors
** July, 27th, 2017, Camera-Ready Version
** August, 27th-31st, 2017, HRS Workshop, RecSys conference

Workshop Organizers:
David Elsweiler (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Santiago Hors-Fraile (University of Seville, Maastricht University)
Bernd Ludwig (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Alan Said (University of Skoevde, Sweden)
Hanna Schaefer (TU Muenchen, Germany)
Christoph Trattner (MODUL University Vienna, Austria)
Helma Torkamaan (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Andre Calero Valdez (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

Objectives & Topics:
Health is at the center of our everyday lives. During the 1st Health
Recommender Systems workshop we elaborated a great variety of fields
in which recommender systems can improve our awareness, understanding
and behavior regarding our own health. At the same time these
application areas bring new challenges into the recommender community.
Recommendations that influence the health status of a patient, need to
be either liable or accompanied by domain experts. To make the
recommender liable, complex domain specific user models need to be
created, which on the other hand creates privacy issues. While trust
into a recommendation needs to be explicitly earned by transparency,
explanations and empowerment, other systems might want to persuade
users into beneficial actions that would not be willingly chosen
otherwise. The variety of those challenges also results from the
number and diversity of stakeholders involved in health systems.
Taking the patient perspective, simple interaction and safety against
harmful recommendations might be the prior concern. For clinicians and
experts, on the other hand, what matters is precise and accurate
content. Finally, health care providers, insurance companies, and
clinics are interested in success rates, study results, and financial
benefits of the new systems. In this workshop, we want to go deeper
into the discussions started last year and establish a roadmap of
possible research topics in Health Recommender Systems.

Our aim is to enhance the results of the first workshop in the following areas:

** Elaborate discussion topics of the first workshop
** Strengthen the community of researchers working on Health in RecSys
** Attract scientists from other domains to RecSys (e.g. health,
psychology, ...)
** Find cross-domain collaboration projects and funding targets
** Establish shared infrastructure (datasets and tools)

We invite submissions that may include the following topics, but are
not limited to:

** Algorithms for HRS
** Domain Knowledge Representation
** Regulations and Standards
** Behavioral Change
** Medical evaluation techniques
** User Profiling
** Pervasive Systems
** Personalization
** Persuasion
** Social Motivation
** Gamification
** Empowerment
** Trust
** Explanations
** Nudging
** Patient Needs/Satisfaction
** User Interaction Design
** Expert-in-the-Loop
** Privacy
** Ethics

The goal of this workshop is to share and discuss research and
projects that reach beyond classic recommender techniques and discuss
health domain related challenges of recommender systems.

We solicit short research papers (4 pages) and short position papers
(2 pages), both in the ACM conference paper style. Participants can
decide between a research focused submission, resulting in a workshop
presentation, and a project focused submission, resulting in a
workshop poster. Papers should be submitted in EasyChair to the
submission page.

** Submission category research: innovative research ideas,
preliminary results or system prototypes

** Submission category project: funded research projects, industry and
research collaborations or health-care and research collaborations

Submission guidelines:
All submitted papers must:

** Be written in English;
** Contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
** Be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template with a
font size no smaller than 9pt;
** Be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform),
and formatted for US Letter size;

Link or demo in attachment are preferred in both cases. All papers
will be peer-reviewed, must not be under review in any other
conference, workshop or journal (at the time of submission), and must
contain novel contributions. Accepted papers will be published
according to the ACM RECSYS 2017 WS publication rules.

Please use the workshop's EasyChair submission page for submitting your paper.

RecSys 2017 will be hosted in Como, Italy, at the Teatro Sociale di
Como from August 27-31, 2017. Please visit the RecSys 2017 website for
more information about this location:

If you have questions regarding the workshop, do not hesitate to
contact the workshop chairs.

David Elsweiler - david.elsweiler at ur.de
Santiago Hors-Fraile - sanhorfra at gmail.com
Bernd Ludwig - bernd.ludwg at ur.de
Alan Said - alansaid at acm.org
Hanna Schaefer - hanna.schaefer at tum.de
Helma Torkamaan - h.torkamaan at acm.org
Christoph Trattner - trattner.christoph at gmail.com
Andre Calero Valdez - calero-valdez at comm.rwthaachen.de

Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Christoph Trattner BSc
Assistant Professor
MODUL University Vienna
Department of New Media Technology
E-mail: christoph.trattner at modul.ac.at
Tel: +43 650 2402801
Homepage: http://christophtrattner.info

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