[Air-L] How many new Facebook friendships per month? Year? Has anyone got data on this?

Nicholas John n.john at huji.ac.il
Thu Jun 22 02:03:21 PDT 2017

Hi all,
I really need to know how many new Facebook friendships people make per week, month, year, or whatever unit of time data are available for.
I imagine that new users make lots all at once, and that then it flattens out, but I’ve got no idea on average how many new Facebook ties are made by people every month or whatever.
Does anyone know? Has anyone seen data on this anywhere?
Thanks in advance,

Nicholas John 
Department of Communication 
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 
T +972 54 7906073 
@nicholasajohn <http://www.twitter.com/nicholasajohn> 
nicholasjohn.huji.ac.il <http://nicholasjohn.huji.ac.il/>

Check out my new book,The Age of Sharing, at Amazon <https://www.amazon.com/Age-Sharing-Nicholas-John/dp/074566251X> or directly from Polity <http://politybooks.com/bookdetail/?isbn=9780745662503> 
Listen to a podcast <http://newbooksnetwork.com/nicholas-a-john-the-age-of-sharing-polity-press-2016/> on the New Books Network. 
Read an excerpt  <http://culturedigitally.org/2016/11/the-age-of-sharing-by-nicholas-john-an-excerpt/>and responses  <http://culturedigitally.org/2016/12/dialogue_nikjohn/>at Culture Digitally.


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