[Air-L] Meme Tracking

Thomas Ball xtc283 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 06:05:03 PDT 2017

A couple of years ago IARPA (https://www.iarpa.gov/) opened up a thread
exploring the use of open source indicators (OSIs) for prediction and
forecasting of unknown potential future events and threats. OSIs are
basically text and keywords. In reaching out to the IARPA organizer of the
discussion, links were requested to papers on the topic. The link below was
his response. Note that this IARPA thread came shortly after the so-called
'Arab Spring.' Thus, the papers reflect thinking of that vintage.

D12PC00337 OR D12PC00285 OR D12PC00347 - Google Scholar

D12PC00337 OR D12PC00285 OR D12PC00347 - Google Scholar


On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 4:33 AM, Tanis Grandison <tanis.grandison at me.com>

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice (and useful reading ) on
> tracking Memes.
> Specifically, I am wondering if there is a way I can take a meme and look
> at how it has spread and been shared on different social media?
> I wouldn’t be doing it in real time, more looking back at significant
> events and how political memes transcended networks and flowed through
> social media.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Tanis Grandison
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