[Air-L] CfP extended deadline:: Adoption and Acceptance of Interactive Health Technology (25/26 September, 2017)

Somaya Ben Allouch s.benallouch at saxion.nl
Fri May 5 02:12:09 PDT 2017

   Please share widely. Apologies for cross-posting!
   *Call for Papers*

   Adoption and Acceptance of eHealth: Beyond the current state-of-the-art

   A workshop, held in conjunction with INTERACT 2017 in Mumbai, India


   25th - 26th September, 2017

   Workshop topic:

   The main approach taken in adoption and acceptance studies of
   interactive health technologies mainly follows a quantitative approach,
   often based on theoretical approaches such as the Technology Acceptance
   Model (TAM) or the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
   (UTAUT). Such studies mostly focus on a few, abstract factors, such as
   ease of use or perceived usefulness presuming a linear process of
   acceptance, but fail to give an in-depth overview of what exactly
   speeds up adoption and acceptance within a real-life context, also on
   the long term. In all, studies that show how different types of users
   with different needs and expectations make use of these technologies in
   specific healthcare contexts are crucial to inform the design of new
   interactive health technologies and their implementation strategies.
   The objective of this workshop is to discuss where we are today on the
   adoption and acceptance of interactive health technologies and from
   this position, define a roadmap to push this field forward.

   Call for papers:

   The aim of this one-day workshop is to bring together researchers from
   both industry and academia to discuss best practices as well as
   pitfalls of adoption and acceptance of interactive technologies in
   healthcare and to provide the Interact community with guidelines to
   inform future developments and implementation of their interactive
   health systems. We welcome multi-disciplinary contributions from the
   many disciplines and approaches that intersect with interactive health
   technologies (e.g. engineering, computer sciences, (interactive)
   design, sociology, anthropology, psychology, neurosciences, cognitive
   sciences, communication science, cultural studies, nursing, fine and
   media arts, and law, etc.). You are welcome to submit a paper on one of
   the following topics:

   * Adoption and acceptance studies of interactive health technologies
   that expand upon TAM and UTAUT

   * Studies of adoption and acceptance of interactive health technologies
   that are based on different models than TAM or UTAUT (e.g., the
   Task-Technology Fit Model)

   * Qualitative studies of adoption and acceptance of interactive health

   * Longitudinal studies of adoption and acceptance of interactive health

   * Studies that focus on a specific factor that affects adoption or
   acceptance of interactive health technologies (e.g., trust, privacy,
   control, aesthetics)

   * Position papers on the topic of adoption and acceptance of
   interactive health technologies

   Paper format:

   We welcome prospective participants to submit extended abstracts (max.
   4 pages) covering any relevant topic (related to the problem statement
   on the homepage) addressing the adoption and acceptance of interactive
   health technologies. In addition to papers presenting empirical
   research, we also welcome papers about new  theoretical perspectives,
   new methodological challenges, and design challenges related to
   interactive health technologies. The manuscripts should use the
   conference format. Please submit a PDF copy of your manuscript to
   s.benallouch at saxion.nl and l.vanvelsen at rrd.nl

   Workshop organizers:

   Somaya Ben Allouch, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, The

   Lex van Velsen, Roessingh Research and Development, The Netherlands


   June  9, 2017: Submission deadline for workshop papers

   June 29, 2017: Notification of acceptance into workshops

   July 31, 2017: Camera ready workshop position papers (INTERACT
   deadline. This is a hard deadline)

   September 25 or 26, 2017: INTERACT workshops

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