[Air-L] ADA issue 11 now available

Radhika G gradhika2012 at gmail.com
Mon May 22 05:34:42 PDT 2017

Issue 11 is now available: http://adanewmedia.org/issues/
issue-archives/issue11/ <http://adanewmedia.org/
issues/issue-archives/issue11/>. Please share widely with your networks.

The co-editors  continue to be grateful to your patience with the review
process and the labor so many of the fembot collective contribute to making
this project work.

Carol Stabile, Managing Editor of Fembot Collective reports that :

" In October 2016, we reported that Ada articles had received over 382,134
page views. As of this writing, Ada articles have received 437,174 page
views. Our top ten articles, moreover, have been cited <
2C38&as_sdtp=&oq=site> a total of 299 times, an increase of 91 citations
since the fall. And Ada articles continue to be taught in hundreds of
courses around the world, as further evidence of impact.

Thank you to all those who volunteered their time to make this issue
possible. Special thanks to Zehui Dai, David McCallum, and Shehram Mokhtar
for their hard work on the issue. And thanks in particular to my co-editor,
Radhika Gajjala, for being such a hard-working and generous collaborator. "


*Issue 11: Table of Contents*

1. Introduction: Issue 11

by Radhika Gajjala, and Carol Stabile

URL: http://adanewmedia.org/2017/05/issue11-gajjala-stabile/

2. The Technopo(e)litics of Rupi Kaur: (de)Colonial AestheTics and Spatial
Narrations in the DigiFemme Age.

by Sasha Kruger

URL: http://adanewmedia.org/2017/05/issue11-kruger/

3. Naive Meritocracy and the Meanings of Myth

by Joseph Reagle

URL: http://adanewmedia.org/2017/05/issue11-reagle/

Radhika Gajjala
Co-editor of ADA: Journal of Gender and New Media (adanewmedia.org)

School of Media and Communication
American Culture Studies Program

Bowling Green State University,
Bowling Green Ohio

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