[Air-L] Doctoral Student position at CoE AgeCare, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

Taipale, Sakari sakari.taipale at jyu.fi
Thu Nov 23 22:52:17 PST 2017

We are recruiting a Doctoral Student in Social and Public Policy for a fixed term of maximum 4 years, starting on 1st of February 2018. The position of a doctoral student is located at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The Doctoral Student works as a member of Research Group on New Technologies, Ageing and Care, within the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care<https://www.jyu.fi/hytk/fi/laitokset/yfi/en/research/projects/research-groups/carpo/centre-of-excellence-in-research-on-ageing-and-care-coe-agecare> (CoE AgeCare) funded by the Academy of Finland. Successful candidates are expected to have good knowledge of statistical methods and previous experience in conducting survey research.  The closing date for the applications is on Sunday, December 31st 2017.

You'll find the job advertisement here: https://www.jyu.fi/en/news/current-vacancies

Job advertisement has been published at following web pages: Mol, Academic Positions, Euraxess.
Job advertisement will be published in the newspapers Keskisuomalainen and Helsingin Sanomat on Sunday, December 12th 2017.

Sakari Taipale, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor
Academy of Finland Research Fellow
Senior Lecturer of Social and Public Policy (LOA)

Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Opinkivi-building (Room 102)
P.O. Box 35
40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Mobile (work) +358 40 0728 852

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