[Air-L] Non-software uses of GitHub

Beth Kolko bkolko at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 23 22:06:17 PST 2017

Jim -- I've got a medical device startup on the side, and we used Github to open source our FDA documents because the moat around regulation is needlessly complicated and a little daylight would help lower the bar for medtech innovation. Right now it's just our docs, but other companies are planning to add.  Name: StartupFDA
Happy to answer any questions.
Beth KolkoProfessor, Human Centered Design & EngineeringUniversity of Washington


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2017 14:23:33 -0500
From: Jim Herbsleb <jim.herbsleb at gmail.com>
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Subject: [Air-L] Non-software uses of GitHub
Message-ID: <F6CD3C5C-CB9E-4933-9997-503B104D4DF3 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8

I?m looking for GitHub repositories that are used for things other than software, especially where users are actively collaborating rather than just putting together static collections. So far, we have found a few books being written, some musical transcriptions being error-checked, and some policy documents maintained online. 

Does anyone know of any examples of these or other categories?  Any pointers much appreciated. Happy to share what we find with anyone interested.


Jim Herbsleb
Carnegie Mellon University
Google Scholar profile: https://goo.gl/sv3p7l


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