[Air-L] Digital Rights in Australia report

Fiona Martin fiona.martin at sydney.edu.au
Sun Nov 26 21:46:59 PST 2017

Colleagues may be interested in a report released today: Digital Rights in Australia: https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/17587.

At a time when social media technologies are increasingly redefining aspects of our professional and personal lives, Digital Rights In Australia investigates the ethical and legal challenges Australians face in using digital, networked technologies and the debates they are having about how to best manage their transformative impacts.

Drawing on a national survey of 1600 Australians, focus group discussion and policy, law and regulatory analysis, the Digital Rights in Australia report covers rights issues in four areas: privacy, profiling and analytics; government data matching and surveillance; workplace change; and freedom of expression and speech regulation.
Crucially it also looks at the major role of private, transnational digital platforms in reshaping the way people work, study and conduct business, their interactions with government and with each other.

The research was conducted by Gerard Goggin, Ariadne Vromen, Kimberlee Weatherall, Fiona Martin, Adele Webb, Lucy Sunman and Francesco Bailo at the University of Sydney, and is a major outcome of the University’s Sydney Research Excellence Initiative (SREI). For more information about the report visit: http://digitalrightsusyd.net/ and follow @DigitalRightsProject

DR FIONA MARTIN | Research Director |
Senior Lecturer in Convergent and Online Media |
Department of Media and Communications | School of Letters Arts and Media | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Rm S220, Level 2, John Woolley Building, A20
The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006.
T +61 2 9036 5098  | F +61 2 9351 5444 | M +61 428 391 122
E fiona.martin at sydney.edu.au<mailto:fiona.martin at sydney.edu.au>
TW: @media_republik
W http://sydney.edu.au/

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