[Air-L] Update to air-l Rules and Etiquette

Axel Bruns a.bruns at qut.edu.au
Thu Nov 23 19:23:31 PST 2017

Dear AoIRists,

This is to let you know that we've updated the rules and etiquette guidelines that apply to posts on this list. You can find the updated rules at the following URL, as well as on the list management page where you can change your list settings: https://aoir.org/mailing-lists/mailing-list-rules-and-etiquette/

In particular, in recent months we've received a few complaints from list members about repetitive posts with commercial content. We recognise that some such material is perfectly legitimate and indeed welcome here - we do want you to let the AoIR community know when you've published new books, for example, and we're grateful for academic services, software, and data providers who offer discounts to the community. However, we do not want the list to be overloaded with such material, to the detriment of other discussion.

The updated list rules therefore now place some gentle limits on the frequency with which such posts can be made, and we ask all list members to respect these limits. The specific rule on such content is below - and if you haven't checked the list rules for some time, this may also be a good time to review the full rules, at the URL above.

Please contact me or any of the other AoIR Exec members if you have any concerns about these changes.


AoIR recognises that certain posts of a commercial nature - including but not limited to job advertisements, announcements of new publications, and promotions and discounts for research tools and services - may be of genuine interest to subscribers. Such posts are acceptable on the list if they are sent from time to time, at a low frequency. Repeated posts promoting the same or substantially similar products, services, or other offers will not be tolerated if they are sent more than once per month, and may lead to removal of the post or the suspension of the subscriber.

Axel Bruns
President, Association of Internet Researchers

Prof. Axel Bruns                 a.bruns at qut.edu.au - @snurb_dot_info
ARC Future Fellow, 2014-18   http://www.amazon.com/author/axel.bruns/
Professor, Media & Communication     http://mappingonlinepublics.net/
QUT Digital Media Research Centre    http://research.qut.edu.au/dmrc/
Creative Industries Faculty, Z6-503, KG            http://snurb.info/
Queensland University of Technology                   +61 7 3138 5548
GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia        CRICOS No.: 00213J

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