[Air-L] CfP: 3rd Asiascape: Digital Asia Conference, May 2018

Schneider, F.A. f.a.schneider at hum.leidenuniv.nl
Tue Nov 28 03:13:11 PST 2017

List members may be interested in the 3rd Asiascape: Digital Asia (DIAS) conference, which will be held at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies and the International Institute for Asian Studies on 29 May 2018. The theme will be 'Rethinking Communities in the Age of the Digital', and promising contributions may be included in a special issue of the academic journal Asiascape: Digital Asia (Brill). Please see the official call for papers<http://www.politicseastasia.com/research/call-papers-rethinking-communities/> for detailed information.

Deadline for abstracts: 1 February 2018.
Submission: via the conference submission dropbox<https://forms.iias.asia/paper-proposal-3rd-asiascape-digital-asia>.

Please note that the event follows the 16th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) in Leiden (22-23 May 2018) and the annual meeting of the International Communications Association (ICA) in Prague (24-28 May 2018); potential contributors may find these related events worth attending as well.

Florian Schneider

Dr. Florian Schneider
University Lecturer in the Politics of Modern China
Managing Editor of the academic journal Asiascape: Digital Asia
Chinese Department, Leiden University Institute for Area Studies
Arsenaalstraat 1, Room 009

P.O.Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)71 - 527 2544
Fax: +31 (0)71 - 527 2526
Web: www.PoliticsEastAsia.com<https://webmail.campus.leidenuniv.nl/owa/redir.aspx?C=XxWGPCVp6EeeAuifBOjwEZslF8TymdAIfjqfc0qkUYEAPEu-0D_kOR_w9CWSCooLG0JSLNkXBUk.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.PoliticsEastAsia.com>
Twitter: @schneiderfa77

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