[Air-L] Accessing data from closed groups on FB?

Raquel Rennó raquelrenno at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 01:07:21 PST 2017

Hi all,

Just a reminder for the near future, the educational sector will have to
comply with the GDPR http://www.eugdpr.org/ that will be implemented in the
EU in May 2018.

On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Ylva Hård af Segerstad <
ylva.hard-af-segerstad at ait.gu.se> wrote:

> Thanks, Jeremy, for this clarification.
> I also think it’s worth pointing out that Facebook - and other gigantosaur
> platforms that many of us have sold our souls to - is allowed to do for
> commercial purposes what researchers are not allowed to do for scientific
> purposes. As researchers we have to make sure we minimize harm, and as the
> ethics discussions at the recent conference in Tartu, maybe even strive to
> also do good.
> We’ve addressed ethical concerns in relation to studying closed groups
> online using a specific and sensitive case study to discuss these issues in
> a chapter in the recently published volume "Internet Research Ethics for
> the Social Age: New Cases and Challenges", edited by Michael Zimmer and
> Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda:
> Hård af Segerstad, Y., Kasperowski, D., Kullenberg, C. & Howes, C. (2017).
> Studying Closed Communities On-line: Digital Methods and Ethical
> Considerations beyond Informed Consent and Pseudonymity. In M. Zimmer & K.
> Kinder-Kurlanda (Eds.), Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New
> Cases and Challenges: Peter Lang. (213-225).
> It is available under a Creative commons license and can be found here:
> https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/82023?format=EPDF
> I am indeed a member of the closed group. What we are intending to do in
> the particular project I was asking for is to invite a number of individual
> members to participate in a longitudinal study. We’d like to follow their
> activity in the closed group and possibly also their activity in other
> groups on FB and on blogs or whatever else they do. This will be
> accompanied by interviews and maybe also surveys now and then, depending on
> how many we can recruit and for how long we go on. What I’d like to do is
> to get the FB-activities for these individuals. And for this, we will be
> able to get informed consent and active research participation during a
> longer period of time from these individuals.
> As it is no longer possible to scrape data from closed groups using the FB
> API we’d like to explore the possibility of buying the data for these
> particular individuals from FB. If we get that data it will definitely also
> lead to other interesting ethical concerns, re commercial powers'
> possibilities to override researcher obligations but which may be used by
> researchers. Which is my hidden agenda to look into, I guess.
> So: does anyone know how to go about buying data from Facebook?
> Hälsningar
> Ylva H
> ____________________________
> Ylva Hård af Segerstad
> Docent | Associate Professor
> Institutionen för Tillämpad IT | Department of Applied IT
> Avdelning Lärande Kommunikation och IT | Divison of Learning Communication
> and IT
> University of Gothenburg
> SE-412 56 Gothenburg, Sweden
> +46(0)70 3314739 (mobile)
> hardy at ait.gu.se<mailto:hardy at ait.gu.se>
> 8 nov. 2017 kl. 02:08 skrev Jeremy Hunsinger <jeremy at tmttlt.com<mailto:
> jeremy at tmttlt.com>>:
> There are innumerable possible models of research design that would not
> require informed consent in this situation.  Informed consent is usually
> only required when there is some harm that must be agreed to, but it is
> easy to conceive of any number of situations where this data collection
> leads to nothing that requires informed consent.  It isn't ethically
> anything, until you understand the whole design.  Also remember the ethical
> standards are generated from different principles than harm in many
> Scandinavian countries as noted in the first set of AoIR guidelines, so
> your instincts of informed consent might not be quite fitting.  So let's
> not 'throw the baby out with the bathwater' and instead try to answer the
> specific question if we can.
> --
> jeremy hunsinger
> Associate Professor
> Communication Studies
> Wilfrid Laurier University
> Collaboratory for Digital Discourse and Culture
> Virginia Tech
> www.tmttlt.com<http://www.tmttlt.com>
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> http://transdisciplinarystudies.tmttlt.com/  Transdisciplinary Studies:the
> book series
> I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to
> do it.
> -Pablo Picasso
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Raquel Rennó
Politics of data researcher - Tactical Tech Collective
Researcher ID :   F-5319-2014
Profile URL:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/F-5319-2014

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