[Air-L] WEBCAST THURS: NY-Metro Joint Cyber Security Conference inc. Olaf Kolkman keynote

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Tue Oct 3 11:06:21 PDT 2017

It's very exciting to have *Olaf Kolkman* back in NYC to help launch *National
Cyber-Security Awareness Month*
<https://www.dhs.gov/national-cyber-security-awareness-month>. His major
theme will be *IoT*, but he will hopefully touch on other issues such as
the recent *KSK rollover postponement*
He'll be on at 9am (13:00 UTC) There are plenty of other great sessions
across the day.


[image: NYMJCSC] <http://nymjcsc.org/>On *Thusday October 5 2017* the *NY-Metro
Joint Cyber Security Conference <http://www.nymjcsc.org/>* will take place
in NYC, featuring an opening keynote by* Internet Society Chief Internet
Technology Officer* *Olaf Kolkman
<https://www.internetsociety.org/author/kolkman/>*. The *NYMJCSC* is an
annual collaborative event cooperatively developed, organized and sponsored
by the leading area information security industry organizations and
chapters, including *InfraGard <http://www.nym-infragard.us/>*, *ISACA
<https://www.meetup.com/OWASP-NYC/>*,* (ISC)2 <https://isc2chapternj.org/>*
, *ISSA <http://www.nymissa.org/>*,  *HTCIA <https://htcia.org/>,
*and* ISOC-NY
<http://isoc-ny.org/>*in support of the Department of Homeland
Security's *Cyber-Security
Awareness Month
<https://www.dhs.gov/national-cyber-security-awareness-month> (NCSAM)*.
The conference will be webcast live via the *Internet Society Livestream
Channels <http://bit.ly/nymjcsc17>.*. Please *register
the webcast (free).

*What: NY-Metro Joint Cyber-Security Conference 2016
<http://www.nymjcsc.org/>Where: Microsoft Tech Center, NYCWhen: Thursday
October 5 2017 9am - 5:30pm EDT | 13:00-21:00
UTCAgenda: http://nymjcsc.org/schedule/
<http://nymjcsc.org/schedule/>Webcast: http://bit.ly/nymjcsc17
<http://bit.ly/nymjcsc17>Twitter: #nymjcsc http://bit.ly/nymjcsctweets

Comment <http://isoc-ny.org/p2/9424#respond>    See all comments




Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast

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