[Air-L] Jobs at Loughborough University

Andrew Chadwick A.Chadwick at lboro.ac.uk
Tue Oct 17 11:49:55 PDT 2017

Friends and Colleagues,

May I draw your attention to some new positions here at Loughborough 
University. We are hiring under the rubric of the "Excellence 100" 
campaign to recruit up to a hundred new outstanding research-oriented 
faculty over the next two years. As part of the university research 
"Beacon" in communication and culture, the social and political 
implications of media and communication is a priority field and sits 
within the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture and the 
Department of Social Sciences.

The next phase of recruitment is for Lecturers (Assistant Professors in 
U.S. currency) or Senior Lecturers/Readers (Associate Professors).

Details here: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/join-us/excellence100 (Scroll down 
and click on Social, Political, and Geographical Sciences).

If you know of anyone who might be interested in applying do please 
forward this message to them.



Professor Andrew Chadwick,
Professor of Political Communication,
Centre for Research in Communication and Culture,
Department of Social Sciences,
Loughborough University,
United Kingdom.
(e) a.chadwick at lboro.ac.uk
(w) www.lboro.ac.uk/research/crcc
(w) www.andrewchadwick.com
(t) www.twitter.com/andrew_chadwick
Out now: The Hybrid Media System, 2nd Edition: www.hybridmediasystem.org

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